Saturday, March 31, 2012

Q&A: Ohio divorce laws?

Question by amyeminnich2002: Ohio divorce laws? If you were married in Ohio and your "other half" moved to Florida for almost 1 year and with his whereabouts unknown how do you file and do you have to have an attorney? Best answer:

Answer by magickitty0621
That sounds kinda complicated. I dont have an exact answer for you but i do have somebody who might... i am a member of Pre-Paid Legal Services and it helps with questions like this, you get to talk to a lawyer pretty much anytime you want without paying a retainer up front. I know it sounds too good to be true but check out the website contact me @ after you watch the video and browse around the site if you are interested. I wouldnt suggest it if i didnt have legal issues and use it myself.

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Atlanta Divorce Attorney talks about Pre Nuptial Agreements

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Is there anyone who can give advice on the question in the marriage/divorce section- to web divorce advice?

Question by sweetcheeks: Is there anyone who can give advice on the question in the marriage/divorce section- to web divorce advice? I posted a question about divorce advice, looking for more input from experienced couples - for picking up the pieces of a broken heart. (thanks) look in marriage and divorse for my complete question. I sincerly appreaciate everyone's advice, THANKS. Best answer:

Answer by Imlladris
The heart is a funny thing. It is only mended through time. There is no other way to make heal it, unfortunately. The one thing you CAN do however, is keep remembering WHY you are no longer together and reinforce those ideas. Now that you have a single life, you need to get out and do the things that you haven't been able to do for a while. Whatever you used to find pleasure in, but just couldn't find the time. Bowling, pool, hiking, camping, etc.. those are good distracters to help you along with the tenderness.. That's how I got over my relationship turmoil, and I hope this truly helps you in your journeys..

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Child Support.wmv

Discussion focusing on Child Support in thestate of Wisconsin by Appleton Attorney, Eric P. Pitsch of Pitsch Law Offices, LLC, Nothing in here constitutes an attorney/client relationship. This information is not meant as legal advice; please seek the advice from an attorney for your specific situation. Video Rating: 5 / 5

Divorce? Retirement? Workplace injury in Wisconsin? Call attorney Mitchell J. Barrock in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Specializing in personal injury, family law and estate planning, MJ Barrock is THE lawyer you need to protect your property from excessive taxation and unfair judgments. Make the legal system work for you. Schedule a consultation with Mithcell J. Barrock. Visit us Video Rating: 0 / 5

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Q&A: Was no-fault divorce the beginning of the end?

Question by Samuel Cameron: Was no-fault divorce the beginning of the end? This writer seems to think so. What do you think? Interesting quote: "Yet patently false accusations of both child abuse and domestic violence are rampant in divorce courts, almost always for purposes of breaking up families, securing child custody, and eliminating fathers. "With child abuse and spouse abuse you don't have to prove anything," the leader of a legal seminar tells divorcing mothers, according to the Chicago Tribune. "You just have to accuse." Among scholars and legal practitioners it is common knowledge that patently trumped-up accusations are routinely used, and virtually never punished, in divorce and custody proceedings. Elaine Epstein, president of the Massachusetts Women's Bar Association, writes that "allegations of abuse are now used for tactical advantage" in custody cases. The Illinois Bar Journal describes how abuse accusations readily "become part of the gamesmanship of divorce." The UMKC Law Review reports on a survey of judges and attorneys revealing that disregard for due process and allegations of domestic violence are used as a "litigation strategy." In the Yale Law Review, Jeannie Suk calls domestic violence accusations a system of "state-imposed de facto divorce" and documents how courts use unsupported accusations to justify evicting Americans from their homes and children. The multi-billion dollar abuse industry has become "an area of law mired in intellectual dishonesty and injustice" writes David Heleniak in the Rutgers Law Review. Domestic violence has become "a backwater of tautological pseudo-theory," write Donald Dutton and Kenneth Corvo in the scholarly journal Aggression and Violent Behavior. "No other area of established social welfare, criminal justice, public health, or behavioral intervention has such weak evidence in support of mandated practice." Feminists confess as much in their vociferous opposition to divorce reform. A special issue of the feminist magazine Mother Jones in 2005 ostensibly devoted to domestic violence focuses largely on securing child custody. Both child abuse and domestic violence have no precise definitions. Legally they are not adjudicated as violent assault, and accused parents do not enjoy the constitutional protections of criminal defendants. Allegations are "confirmed" not by jury trials but by judges or social workers. Domestic violence is any conflict within an "intimate relationship" and need not be actually violent or even physical. Official definitions include "extreme jealousy and possessiveness," "name calling and constant criticizing," and "ignoring, dismissing, or ridiculing the victim's needs." For such "crimes" fathers lose their children and can be jailed. "Protective orders" separating parents from their children are readily issued during divorce proceedings, usually without any evidence of wrongdoing. "Restraining orders and orders to vacate are granted to virtually all who apply," and "the facts have become irrelevant," writes Epstein. "In virtually all cases, no notice, meaningful hearing, or impartial weighing of evidence is to be had." Rebecca, Thanks for your balanced, principled answer. Best answer:

Answer by Sunshine
No fault divorces inherently mean neither parent is accused of anything, they both agree to the terms of the divorce. So your attempt to paint men as the victims in this is ridiculous. They agree to no fault divorces because they don't want the hassle of a long drawn out court battle anymore than anyone else.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

California Family Law: double-dipping

Testimony by Los Angeles divorce attorney Christopher C. Melcher before the California State Senate Judiciary Committee on May 10, 2011, on behalf of the California State Bar Association Family Law Section on Senate Bill 481. SB 481 was authored by Senator Roderick D. Wright. The proposed legislation would allow family law courts to consider when setting spousal support whether one party paid the other party for income-producing property (such as a small business, professional practice, or pension) as part of the division of their community estate. Go to for more information. Christopher C. Melcher specializes in complex divorce cases in California and premarital agreements.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Albany Family Law Attorney New York Divorce Lawyer Syracuse Custody Law Firm 888-572-3997 The attorneys of O'Brien & Associates limit their practice to matrimonial matters such as divorce and family law including custody, child support & domestic violence. Contact us in Albany, New York.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Q&A: My sister needs free advice about divorce?

Question by NJ A: My sister needs free advice about divorce? My sister just came to stay with me. She is trying to divorce her husband, but doesn't know where to start. We live in Pennsylvania. She is a stay at home mom, with a 6 yr old and a 3 yr old. She needs free advice on what to do and how to start. Can anyone help? Best answer:

Answer by Johnny
Most County Courts have a legal aid area or referral place.

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Q&A: How much should I expect to pay for legal fees in Michigan for a no-fault divorce?

Question by Wes W: How much should I expect to pay for legal fees in Michigan for a no-fault divorce? The children are adults and there will be no disagreements over the finances. Can we safely do this with the no-fault forms I find on-line? If not, how much should I pay an attorney? Best answer:

Answer by TRIXIE
$ 500.00 Flint Rocks!

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How do I get a copy of my final divorce papers?

Question by mitchells.mommy: How do I get a copy of my final divorce papers? My ex husband and I were supposed to have a trial but on the trial date we came to an agreement. We orally agreed, his attorney was supposed to draft the paperwork within 30 days and my attorney told me that I would get a copy of this paperwork. It has been over two months and I have yet to get any paperwork. My attorney is on maternity leave and unavailable. I am wondering if I was supposed to get a copy mailed or if I have to go to the courthouse to request a copy. I am in Wisconsin, if anyone has the answers I'd appreciate it. Best answer:

Answer by Bowlegalicious
After my divorce I had to go to my county courthouse for the final papers. My "New" husband was told by the clerk in his county that they never mail copies of the finalized divorce, she also said that they had to come in person, show i.d. and know their case number.

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Ben Stevens Discusses Divorce and the Economy

Spartanburg, SC divorce attorney discusses the effect that the economy is having on divorce cases in South Carolina. This story aired on WYFF, the NBC affiliate in Greenville, SC. You can learn more about these topics on the South Carolina Family Law blog -- Video Rating: 1 / 5

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Q&A: Divorce information needed. I am looking to divorce my husband due to mental and verbal abuse...?

Question by Anna Hennings: Divorce information needed. I am looking to divorce my husband due to mental and verbal abuse...? I live in PA and am wondering if there are any divorce attorneys that can recommend what my first step is. My husband still lives with me and my 3 kids. My home town is 20 hours away with absolutely no relatives on my side closer than that. I also work part time since my son is 4 and at home. Any advice on the subject would be helpful because I really don't know what my rights are or how to go about doing this. Thank you. Best answer:

Answer by hotmama
Contact legal aid. They have lawyers that can advise you and also help to get you out of your situation.

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I already filed for divorce in Florida 5 months ago, can I move to Wisconsin and fly back for court dates?

Question by Diva: I already filed for divorce in Florida 5 months ago, can I move to Wisconsin and fly back for court dates? Husband left everything including our $ 400K home which I cannot possibly pay for (and it went into foreclosure last month) 8 months ago. I filed for divorce and he was served 5 months ago. He never paid any child support. Court is very slow and we go to mediation in 6 weeks which my husband will contest everything and he is already threatening to delay as long as he can. He has no attorney and I can barely afford one. He moved back to our hometown in Wisconsin. Now I've lost my job and want to move back to my family who also live in WI. But if I move there I have to wait 6 more months to file again. And this situation is horrid. I have no family support here and my son and I won't have our apartment much longer and with the economy as it is, jobs are scarce. Best answer:

Answer by Coonass
I would say yes since you lived there when you filed... I would just call the courts though..

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Q&A: NC military divorce question?

Question by : NC military divorce question? My husband and I first agreed to work out our settlement in a civil manner. This was before I found he's sent/received 342 text messages to/from a girl he's been also secretly emailing and calling. She was a problem three and a half years ago. He swears up and down this hasn't gone on during our entire 4 years of marriage, but he also lied to my face three days ago, trying to say the text I saw where he told her about our divorce before he even told me was my mind playing tricks on me. (I know, right?) Right now, he's telling me I will get nothing in the divorce, and he's been seeing legal on base. I was not in this marriage for money, but now I need to make sure I don't walk away with nothing. He currently wants to give me one piece of furniture & get me out of his life. I don't want his retirement, appliances, the house, his car...However, things have changed and I want as much as I can get. I currently have no job and can't even afford an attorney, so the possibility of him getting everything seems so much more realistic. Has anyone gone through a similar divorce? I just want to know if you were told the same thing & then it changed in the actual divorce. I just want it to be clear I didn't know about the other girl before the divorce or before things were "civil." So, yes, things have changed. I really don't want his retirement or pension...I just want everything else I can get. I don't want to walk away with nothing when HE is the one that's been doing wrong for 4 years. I DO NOT want his pension. I just want goods gathered during marriage: car, my part of the house, etc. Military or not, you don't get to stay married for 4 years and be, "Oh, well, see ya, you're only getting your clothes." I AM eligible for a portion of his retirement according to civilian AND base lawyers, but I don't want it & won't go for it. That's the last clarification about that...I'm not a gold digger. I'm just not letting someone treat me like trash & then take everything I have worked for, too. Just because I don't have a job NOW doesn't mean I haven't had a good reason not to, and it doesn't mean I haven't worked all the other 3 years of our marriage. Best answer:

Answer by The Big J
Let me get this straight... you were gonna be all cool, and get separated and such... your relationship was over... done, finished. But now that you find out he lied about another detail (not the first you state) you are all pissed and want to try and take him to the cleaners? Let the past be the past... don't let vengeance make you stoop to his level. Karma is a bitch, and he will get his. That girl he was cheating on you with sounds like the best vengeance you are gonna get too. Hope they hook up and she leaves him high and dry for the next free lunch out there.

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Divorce Lawyers in Maryland A smooth transition for the whole family requires expert divorce Lawyers in Maryland

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Q&A: What do they Divorce Attorney's , charge ?

Question by simpleminded: What do they Divorce Attorney's , charge ? How much would they charge ? Do they do it by hour ? Living in Florida. Thanks Best answer:

Answer by letterstoheather
a divorce can run into the thousands of dollars, especially if there are disputes. your best bet is to get consultations from good, family law attorneys in your area. these days, many give consultations for free.

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

divorce in florida help ?

Question by lil_ma_21_04: divorce in florida help ? Hello i live in florida around ocala and i need help on getting a divorce but it cost so much anyone know on how to get a good attorney cheap plz i need a divorce fast, please help Best answer:

Answer by Ghengis
There is no such thing as a "fast" divorce and there is no such thing as a good attorney for "cheap". Your local courthouse should have a family law self-help area with people who can assist you. If you don't want to hire an attorney then I would suggest you check that option out.

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Fast Easy Divorce Video - File For Divorce Online Video

Visit: This Top-Rated Service Will Help You SAVE Thousands of Dollars in Legal Fees and Get a Fast Easy Divorce When You File For Divorce Online.... Click Now: They are the leader in online divorce form preparation, providing easy, private and fast online...

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can you go to state bar assoc in PA to complain about incompetent divorce lawyer?

Question by kennysgranmom: can you go to state bar assoc in PA to complain about incompetent divorce lawyer? taking 2 years to settle property agreement - did not communicate with plaintiff's attorney per my request Best answer:

Answer by Junebug
yes.........i believe that is the avenue you should take to resolve the issue

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Denver Colorado Mens Rights Lawyer Sharon Liko comments on FOX re Paul McCartney's divorce

Mens Rights Attorney comments on Fox News re the Paul McCartney Divorce For more information: Video Rating: 5 / 5 -Denver Family Law and Domestic Relations - Walker Law Offices, LLC (303) 228-3166. Divorce can be a very traumatic, emotional, and unsettling time for the parties involved. Therefore many require the services of an experienced divorce lawyer, to help them navigate the process. A Denver divorce lawyer is well equipped to provide the necessary direction and advice relating to alimony, child support, the division of property, visitation rights, healthcare, and similar issues. For More Info on Denver Family Law and Domestic Relations, Check Out Our Website and Get The Help You Need Right Now.

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My sister needs free advice about divorce?

Question by NJ A: My sister needs free advice about divorce? My sister just came to stay with me. She is trying to divorce her husband, but doesn't know where to start. We live in Pennsylvania. She is a stay at home mom, with a 6 yr old and a 3 yr old. She needs free advice on what to do and how to start. Can anyone help? Best answer:

Answer by Johnny
Most County Courts have a legal aid area or referral place.

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Florida Divorce Lawyer Steve Miller - Online/Low Cost - 30 Days, Florida Divorce Law by Florida Lawyer providing Cheap Divorce. To learn about Divorce Law in Florida TALK to Florida Lawyer NOW. Call Divorce Law lawyer Steve Miller 877-348-3354

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Q&A: My sister needs free advice about divorce?

Question by NJ A: My sister needs free advice about divorce? My sister just came to stay with me. She is trying to divorce her husband, but doesn't know where to start. We live in Pennsylvania. She is a stay at home mom, with a 6 yr old and a 3 yr old. She needs free advice on what to do and how to start. Can anyone help? Best answer:

Answer by Johnny
Most County Courts have a legal aid area or referral place.

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Dress Shop Refuses Service to Gay Bride

AVrated KS Family Law is one of the largest firms in the Southeast focusing solely on Family Law. Our attorneys have received the highest honors including selection to the lists of Georgia's Top 100 Lawyers, Super Lawyers, Georgia Trend Legal Elite and to positions of leadership in the Family Law Sections of the American, Georgia and Atlanta Bar Associations. Our thirty lawyers and staff work as an effective team to fully serve our clients.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Divorce Attorney Naples FL | Naples Divorce Attorney | Call us today!

Divorce Attorney Naples FL - Divorce is hard. You'll need a lawyer that can help you make the process as smooth as possible, a lawyer you can trust. Call for a consultation with your Naples divorce attorney. Divorce Attorney Tampa FL 813-259-9902. Manuel is a Florida family lawyer and a divorce attorney Tampa FL. Law Offices of Manuel Fajardo 7320 E. Fletcher Avenue, #104 Tampa, FL 33637 (813) 259-9902

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Denver Divorce Lawyers - "Income" in Child Support Cases

Denver divorce lawyers discuss the basics of child support calculation in Colorado courts. Divorce and child support topics discussed by local divorce lawyers.

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Fayetteville Miller Clouse & Illikainen Family Lawyers NC Divorce Lawyer Cumberland County 910-401-2280 The Fayetteville NC law firm of Miller, Clouse & Illikainen concentrates on family law, divorces cases and domestic law in addition to personal injury and traffic law cases in the Cumberland County area.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Divorce Law Basics In Michigan - Detroit Area Lawyer Aric Melder

The Michigan Law Office of Melder & Melder (1-800-529-5454) explains the basics of Michigan Divorce Law, including filing requirements, alimony (spousal support) and property settlement in this video. Experienced family law attorney Aric Melder practices in Oakland County, Wayne County and Macomb County. If you have legal questions about divorce and you reside in the greater Detroit area, call Mr. Melder at 1-800-529-5454 or visit our website at Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Would anyone be able to suggest a good attorney in the state of Michigan?

Question by engineerchick: Would anyone be able to suggest a good attorney in the state of Michigan? in the state of Michigan, wayne county for a divorce. I am on a limited budget, and need to get this taken care of as soon as possible. If anyone could help I would be grateful also how long does it usually take to get a court date? I do not live in MIchigan I live in another state, but he is refusing to sign jurisdiction papers allowing me to procede where I reside Best answer:

Answer by Annoyed
Try Legal Aid. There is a group, Family & Neighborhood Legal Services or something like that. Legal Aid can point you in the right direction if they can't provide someone. Their lawyers usually start your paper work for a very small fee. I think it takes 6 months for it to go through. edit: You should probably contact a lawyer in your state to find out what to do.

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Long Island Mediation Lawyers New York Family Law Attorneys Melville Mediating Divorce 888-389-1411 With family law mediation, you can work together to come up with an agreement that works for both of you. Contact Bryan L Salamone & Associates in Melville, New York for mediation.[GRAPHIC BRYAN L. SALAMONE & ASSOCIATES, PC, DIVORCE AND FAMILY LAW, Free Consultation. Call Now!, 631-479-2857 | 888-389-1411,, 1145 Walt Whitman Road Melville, NY 11747] It's advantageous to use mediation, because it's quicker -- [GRAPHIC: Bryan L. Salamone, Esq., Attorney at Law] -- and it's cheaper. We'll give you the information needed. You'll do it in an office in a private setting, rather than a courtroom. If it's not a client determining the outcome, it's a judge. It's a stranger in a black robe that doesn't know you, doesn't know your family. Clients that are open to communicating well and crafting an agreement between themselves, no matter how difficult it is, it will be better for the client to -- [GRAPHIC: BRYAN L. SALAMONE & ASSOCIATES, PC, DIVORCE AND FAMILY LAW, Free Consultation. Call Now!, 631-479-2857 | 888-389-1411,, 1145 Walt Whitman Road Melville, NY 11747] -- resolve their differences together than have a stranger do it.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

how do i get my money back for my attorney?

Question by : how do i get my money back for my attorney? I live in SC. I paid an attorney $ 450 for an uncontested divorce. No children, property or debt. A very simple divorce. It has now been almost 9 weeks since I paid him. And nothing. I have called him several times and each time I'm told to be patient or he had an electrical problem and he has to move and then his back hurt etc. After 8 weeks I think he would of been able to do my paperwork and file them in the courts but nothing. I've called the bar and they gave him 5 days to response and nothing. I've called him, sent him emails left messages and again nothing. I've asked him to give me my money back. And he told me no. What do I do? I want to get remarried soon but need this divorce do ne. I have been sperated for 5 years now but just recently found the location of my ex and spoke to him and there is no problem with him signing the papers. I just need my $ 450.00 to pay somebody else. Best answer:

Answer by PatoJAM
Ooh man, sorry to hear that.. This is a hard thing. I would just advise you to forget it and move on.

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Q&A: I have a question about Divorce/Custody. In the Wisconsin law.?

divorce attorney wisconsin
by McBeth
Question by Czki: I have a question about Divorce/Custody. In the Wisconsin law.? Hi I am writing for a friend that is going through a divorce/custody in WI. I would like to know if there is any free attorney representation for her? If there is what qualifies her for this and what are the links and or numbers of this assistance? Thxs... Czki... Best answer:

Answer by sinned
the bar association has a referral program. i am not sure what income level makes one qualified. the county department of social services has lists of free and/or inexpensive lawyers. i would suggest she try there first. first call for help is one of many other resources that are or may be available. that is through gunderson-lutheran hospital in lacrosse. if you need further help, email me.

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Full Custody of Child after Battery (WISCONSIN) Attorney Question?

Question by : Full Custody of Child after Battery (WISCONSIN) Attorney Question? Years ago my ex husband beat my daughter. He pleaded guilty and was charged with Battery rather Child Abuse. He is wealthy and always threatened to take her from me eventually in our divorce (I FILED) he did win. Is it right for the courts to award full custody to a father even though he beat her and I never did? Yes I went through a depression and self medicated with drugs and alcohol when he dropped my health insurance but I quickly cleaned my self up and got help and clean. They claimed as a mother who suffered depression I was more likely to hurt my daughter and kill her than him when he beat her TWO TIMES because mothers usually take their own lives and their childrens. When I attempted suicide I took my daughter to her grandparents home so she would be well protected. Yes this was a horrible and selfish mistake but how long must we suffer. My daughter is 9 years old now I haven't seen her in 5 years and have other children 4 that live home with me. What are my chances without an attorney. He is very wealthy, I am scared and unfortunately my husband and I are not wealthy. We do not live off government assistance but can not afford the thousands attorneys require. I need Help. Let me respond to your rude comment you are saying my daughter is better off with an abusive father that beat her when she was 7 months old. Threw her into a wall and busted a blood vessel in her eye as well? Need I mention that I was also going through postpartum depression and dealing with his abuse. I continued counseling long after I left him and my therapist said the problem wasn't me psychologically it was his abuse. So how is that? You are as sick and twisted as he is if you think that I shouldn't be in my daughters life because of depression he caused. Also to mention how amazing my 4 kids I have at home are!!!! Grow Up!!! Best answer:

Answer by Landlord
This pretty much sums it up, "...I attempted suicide....". This is PROOF that you do not put your child's interest ahead of your own. She was only 4 when this happened? From what you have stated I can't see how they had any choice. You are unstable. He is. I don't see how it is possible, or even desirable, for you to rip her from her home, attorney or no attorney. Why don't you have visitation? You should try to get that. If you already have that and have refused to see your daughter all these years do the poor child a favor and leave her alone. You have screwed her up enough already.

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Demal I Mattson Jr Mt Pleasant SC

Mattson Demal I Jr Auto Accident Lawyer, Child Custody, DUI Attorney, Auto Accident Attorneys, Education Law, Divorce Attorney,Divorce Lawyer,Attorneys, Criminal Defense, Workers Comp Attorney, Lawyers, Special Education Law Wrongful Death, Video Rating: 0 / 5

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florida divorce question?

Question by jude: florida divorce question? have this friend living in florida, she is a mom, without much money, the husband is bad news. legal aide claims they cannot help her lack of funds. the court in her county advised she seek an attorney but she has no money as the husband pays no support and they can't locate him. she is also going to seek custody of her two children. is there any way she can do this without having to pay an attorney? the paperwork she can get from a paralegal would it cover having children or is she stuck without any hope? she has asked the court to waive the fees, but they say unless the husband can be found they can't help they claim they do not have the paperwork thats needed that only the attorney's have the paperwork. is there any way anyone knows that she can get her divorce other than paying out thousands to an attorney. theres no way she can pay and they won't help her. Best answer:

Answer by nicole m
Tell her to go to the Florida Department of Children and Families. I live in Florida, and this is where I would go to ask them what I should do.

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

wisconsin divorce law-debts being forced on spouse after divorce due to bankrupsy?

Question by ajw: wisconsin divorce law-debts being forced on spouse after divorce due to bankrupsy? The situation is this. When a friend of mine was separating from her husband he used their joint account to make several thousand dollars worth of charges. He was ordered by the courts to pay the debts that he incurred. He filed bankruptcy soon after this but the debt from this joint account was not forgiven. Currently the creditors are going after his former spouse. Is she legally obligated to pay this debt even though he was ordered to? Should she pay it and go after him for it in small claims court later. She has spoken with her former attorney and a new one and both have given her different advice on the next action she should take. One says to pay it and sue him later and the other says to fight it and go from there. This has been going on for six years and she wants it resolved, but doesn't want to pay this debt that was not hers. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Best answer:

Answer by ciberpunk1
Unfortunately, I believe the creditors can still come after the former spouse. She should not go to small claims court. Instead she should take this back to divorce court, as the terms and conditions of the divorce decree are not being met.

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Need Legal Form: SC Motion for Modification of Child Support?

Question by maggieeld: Need Legal Form: SC Motion for Modification of Child Support? Is there a site (not informational, I need CORRECT SC LEGAL FORMS) so that I can download a MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT FOR THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA? I also need the form to enforce visitation or to modify visitation (to establish a proper visitation schedule, as the mother of the children in question have not allowed the father to see or speak with them in over 7 years, "reasonable visitation" was ordered in their divorce.) * Attorneys or legal professionals answer only, please! Thank you in advance. * And before I get 150 single mothers accusing me of being a deadbeat father, I am NOT, I am a mother, myself & am trying to help someone else reduce their support, pro se, based on their income & change of circumstances. Best answer:

Answer by Poohcat1
Your State should have a site where you can download all their court forms. Just forms, South Carolina.

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Free Speech? "Life's Short, Get A Divorce"?

Question by Jasmine: Free Speech? "Life's Short, Get A Divorce"? Chicago law firm put up a billboard that says, "Life's Short, Get A Divorce." What do you think of the billboard? What about the attorney's excuses to justify the billboard? Is it really about the married person's happiness or just money? Yeah HarryMay, there's nothing quite as funny as divorce. What's even more funny is the affect it has on children.... Best answer:

Answer by HarryMay's funny...why don't people have a sense of humour anymore...

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Friday, March 16, 2012

where can i get free divorce advice?

Question by ncarolina: where can i get free divorce advice? i have some basic questions that i need help with about filing my own divorce. like do i need to fill out the part about support if i just want to continue the order that we have now and when do i need to file the fee waiver (with the divorce papers or before?) is there any websites that can help that i don't have to pay $ 30 a question for? Best answer:

Answer by krismiss2us
Most counties have websites with links. The fee waiver paperwork usually goes iwth the divorce papers, but call the court clerk to find out for sure. Also the county court websites sometimes have forms on line that you can download and fill out yourself. If there's a section on support, you can usually put in that you already have an agreement or you can just put down the amount that you two have already been using.

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Is this considered cheating?

divorce attorney md
by Dave-F
Question by : Is this considered cheating? Very serious question! okay not really sure where to mom and dad have been married for 23(ish) years. my twin sister and I are the only 2 children they have. We always knew there would come a time that they would get a divorce. probably after we finished high school. so while my mom and sister were out today i listened to a convo through the wall that my dad was having with his mother. I heard words like divorce, legally seperated, money, Ellen (my moms name), the girls, college, attorney, Holly (WHO???!!!). Apparently my dad and this Holly(who i looked up on FB and saw is a hometown friend of my dads) have been emailing back and forth for a while, i have been wondering why my dad was spending so much time typing on the computer. Do you think those emails are to her? i also learned that she is single and from what I heard my dad say to my mom, they have disscussed his (possible divorce?). Sorry this is so much info but is this considered cheating that my dad seems interested in another woman while married to my mom? also, what should i do? should I tell my sister? Should I search his computer when hes not home? Also, he has had no face to face contact with her because she lives in iowa, we live in MD. And do you think they willl be getting the divorce earlier than us graduating HS? we have about a year and a half left. PLEASE HELP! THANKS! Sorry! Also, should i confront my dad about any of this? Best answer:

Answer by GOD
They are divorcing anyway, why do you care? Let him at least be happy.

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How do i fill out divorce forms in michigan?

Question by : How do i fill out divorce forms in michigan? i bought the divorce forms downtown at friend of the court, they told me it was simple but now i'm lost. i don't have money for an attorney after f.o.c stuck it to me, i just wanna file and get it over with. i have no property or funds to split just one child with her that's already taken care of through F.O.C Best answer:

Answer by Professional Peon
Check the bottom of the form for their web address. Their site probably has more information on it.

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