Answer by Tiffany
no the police cant make u hand ur son over ur the mother and no courts are involved so u can defo tell him no way ok !!!!!
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Answer by Tiffany
no the police cant make u hand ur son over ur the mother and no courts are involved so u can defo tell him no way ok !!!!!
Answer by sheloves_dablues
Something is missing from your story. No court in the land would grant power of attorney to someone the other person tried to divorce. And if he has full custody of the kids, she would be charged with kidnapping if she tried to take them anywhere. If she wants her life back she has to hire her own attorney to represent her against her HUSBAND. Leave her alone - this woman has way more going on than you can fix.
Answer by ohmy
legal aid at the court house
Video of Veteran-Owned Florida Law Firm, Van Riper and Nies, with Experienced Family Lawyers Representing Spouses and Children in Divorce, Child Support and Child Custody Litigation in Stuart, Port St. Lucie, West Palm Beach, Deerfield Beach and Boca Raton, FL. Compassionate Divorce Lawyers in Florida. Van Riper and Nies: Video Rating: 5 / 5
Lawyer in New Port Richey, Florida, The Law Offices of Timothy M. Doud, LLC is a general practice law firm, placing our emphasis on Family Law Matters (Divorce, Paternity, Custody, Visitation, Child Support, Alimony, Domestic Violence Injunctions), and Criminal Defense (Felonies and misdemeanors, DUI/DWI, Theft, assault and Battery, Expugements, and more. We also handle Estate Planning (Wills, Trusts, POA, Living Wills, Living Trusts and Health Care Surrogates).
Answer by Brown
Answer by Kristy T
do it in nc, because that is where you are a resident and where you would want to attend court in. Just in June 2008 this Los Angeles lawyers directory had 2360 unique visitors. Almost 100% of this traffic is from high search engine placement. If you are looking for a Los Angeles lawyer or Orange County attorney, you should visit this... Video Rating: 4 / 5
Answer by Racer
I wouldn't move until you speak to your Attorney....but, because his name is on the house and not yours, you may not have a hope to stay, and you'll have to leave. Suzy Weiss with Dating Secrets for Divorced explains a common mistake that divorced women make when re-entering the dating world. Today Suzy talks to women that are turning men off on dates but don't know why. As an example let's say you're a divorced woman over 40. You are probably meeting men that are in your age range and often times also divorced. A common conversation for a divorced woman when first meeting a man is to talk about her awful ex husband and how she got the raw end of the deal in her divorce settlement. Now it appears to her that he is interested in what she is saying as he nods his head which inspires her to embellish her story even more. But guess what. In reality he is thinking, "Get me out of here (I want this date to end) she sounds just like my ex wife." Never happy and it's never enough. This is one of the biggest turn offs for a man when first meeting a woman for a date. Sadly most women don't even realize what happened. They mistakenly think that the connection was good and he will surely call for a second date. WRONG! Stay tuned for a future video about how to confidently have interesting and engaging conversations when first meeting a man. For more Dating Tips like this go to http and checkout our free Dating Secrets Videos and leave Suzy a comment on the blog Video Rating: 5 / 5 How To Meet Women Dating After A Divorce. You've just ended a marriage - Are you feeling lost as to how to go back out there and how to meet women after years of being with the same woman? In this video, we talk about exactly what you need to do to be able to meet amazing women after a divorce. For more free tips, advice and products on how to meet women everywhere you go, visit
Answer by Kyle
I'm going to guess she will need her money for the divorce. I've heard of these cases, but usually they fall down flat. She'd have to prove that you broke up their very happy marriage and he loved her and was devoted to her before you came along. It's this kind of stupidity that clogs up the court system so they cannot get to more important cases. Lie low for now. She will get over it and you? You need to leave this guy alone. He doesn't love you. He wants to do things with you and he's trying to convince you to let him. Never trust a guy who says he loves you when he is still in a relationship [even though he is "unhappy"]. You're better than that.
Answer by Rowdy
Find a guy younger than him and have fun! Revenge is the best medicine.
Answer by up4more
The division of assets is usually a 50/50 but that can vary by case...what a shame those two couldn't make better compromises within their marriage.
Carroll Law PA Divorce Attorney Panama City Florida Video Rating: 0 / 5 Divorce Lawyer Chambersburg PA Call 717-473-4100 For a Full Case Review. If you are looking for Personal Injury Attorney Chambersburg, Personal Injury Lawyer Chambersburg, Auto Accident Attorney Chambersburg, Auto Accident Lawyer Chambersburg, Worker's Compensation... Video Rating: 0 / 5
Bennett & Associates Child custody and visitation are typically the most contentious issues in divorce proceedings. At Bennett & Associates, we prefer not to think of "custody," but rather of shared access and co-parenting. Only when one parent is seriously limited in their parenting skills will the law of custody disputes need to be invoked. Pennsylvania family court follows statutory guidelines provided by the state legislature when determining how much child support to order. At Bennett & Associates, our child support attorneys take the time to thoroughly review all the factors that could impact your child support order. We work with parents in divorce or paternity cases to design a child support agreement that guarantees your children have the financial resources they need while ensuring neither parent makes unrealistic commitments or feels they've been treated unfairly. Bennett & Associates 150 Strafford Ave. Wayne, PA 19087 Phone: 610-254-9060 Video Rating: 3 / 5
Answer by nofx
What did your lawyer say? I'm no expert but it sounds like she doesn't have a prayer to get alimony. Personaly if I were in your situation and it was pay or go to jail then they would have to lock me up.
Answer by up4more
The division of assets is usually a 50/50 but that can vary by case...what a shame those two couldn't make better compromises within their marriage. 954-760-5636 Attorney Sheryl A. Moore in Fort Lauderdale practices family law mainly in the Tri-County area of South Florida. Attorney Moore is a zealous advocate and is also compassionate for her clients problems. Video Rating: 0 / 5 954-455-0800 Relocation is a complicated matter of divorce and child custody. Attorney Cindy D. Sackrin in Broward County, Florida has extensive experience in relocation. Contact our office in Hallandale Beach. [GRAPHIC, THE LAW OFFICE OF CINDY D. SACKRIN, 954.455.0800, TRANSCAPITAL BANK BUILDING | 2100 EAST HALLANDALE BEACH BLVD, SUITE 200 | HALLANDALE BEACH, FL 33009] Relocation is a very complicated area in the law. You're permitted to move within 50 miles of the prior court order. If you go beyond that distance, you do need to seek court approval or an agreement of the parties. If you do relocate without court approval or an agreement of the parties, there can be harsh consequences and the courts can order the children to be returned to the jurisdiction. Relocation requests are complicated. They are not granted quickly, so it is important to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. I've been board certified since 1993 and I have extensive experience in relocation. [GRAPHIC:, THE LAW OFFICE OF CINDY D. SACKRIN,, TRANSCAPITAL BANK BUILDING | 2100 EAST HALLANDALE BEACH BLVD, SUITE 200 | HALLANDALE BEACH, FL 33009] [End of Audio] Video Rating: 0 / 5
The five most important areas of a North Carolina divorce are child custody, child support, divorce, alimony, and property distribution (equitable distribution). All of these issues except for the divorce may be resolved out of court in a separation agreement. We believe it's best if we can help you settle your domestic dispute and we have the experience to help you stay out of court. Visit for more information.
Rebecca Perry Attorney Divorce, separation, family attorney, divorce lawyer, child support, separation agreement, divorce attorney, alimony, adoption, custody, property division, family law, Video Rating: 5 / 5
Answer by Katie M
Find your own woman instead of contributing to the break up of their family.
Answer by ♬ ♩La Guitarra♬ ♩
of fuck no you better go beat that bitches ass and get your son back
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Ocala Divorce and Family law attorney exclusively practicing family law in North Central Florida Video Rating: 0 / 5
Answer by Cali Girl 35
Make him pay for child care.... I bet you can find a good lawyer and the court could make him pay your leagle cost. (847) 520-8100 for immediate help from attorney David M. Siegel. He is a highly respected divorce and family law attorney with offices in Chicago, Wheeling, Joliet, Waukegan and Aurora, Illinois. He has been featured on FoxNews, the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, The Daily Herald, Time, Newsweek and several other media publications. He is the author of the book Divorec & Family Law Who Has The Legal Right When Things Go Terribly Wrong? For more information, he can be contacted at (847) 520-8100 or visit
Answer by no BS man
Here you go: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.)
Answer by True Patriot™ (Obama 08')
I think it's funny how you guys tell us to not compare the two... because she's at the bottom of the ticket and Obama is at the top of the ticket... yet, you guys turn around and compare the two yourselves.
Answer by Blue Ox
You need to change the name. It contains "all or in part" the name of the other maze. HOWEVER, does she (or you) have the name copyrighted? If not get it and tell her to ......... Where is your maze? I'm in Kannapolis. How to Choose a Divorce Attorney in Los Angeles Chatsworth When it's time to find a divorce attorney, let's face it: it's not a happy time in your life. There's a lot going on that you have on your mind, and between problems in your personal life and maintaining a solid professional life at work, it can seem a bit overwhelming. And we know that "a bit overwhelming" might sound like the understatement of the year to you. Call (818) 645-3565 for immediate attention or Free Consultation. Video Rating: 0 / 5
Answer by voiceofreason
Call her and ask her about the charges, then threaten to report her to the bar. Lie and say that you have retained another attorney to discuss this matter with.
When you need a divorce attorney in Southern Pines, NC, rely on Law Offices of Ron Scott Pllc. We offer legal representation for a variety of case types including Child Custody Support, Family Law and much more. We strive to educate our clients and inform them of their options so we can get the results they want. For an attorney in Southern Pines, NC, Call on Law Offices of Ron Scott Pllc. Video Rating: 0 / 5
Answer by If you only knew
I don't have an answer for you. But you say your wife has never worked blah blah blah, and you re assuming you won't see your kids. Why aren't you trying to get custody of them? Sounds like you don't like responsibility and it was all easier when you in the military and didnt deal with it
The boy can't sleep so he knocks on his Dad's door. He mentions to his dad that his friend told he can get an STD from kissing... His dad mentions barebacking and more... http ATTORNEY, WESTLAKE VILLAGE, THOUSAND OAKS, LOS ANGELES, VENTURA, DIVORCE, CUSTODY, BUSINESS, SEO, search engine optimization - "ATTORNEY CALABASAS" - "CALABASAS ATTORNEY" - ATTORNEY - "LAWYER CALBASBAS" - "CALABASAS LAWYER" - DIVORCE - PERSONAL...
Ocala Divorce and Family law attorney exclusively practicing family law in North Central Florida including Marion, Citrus and Sumter counties Video Rating: 0 / 5
www.MNFamilyMatters.comMinnesota Divorce Lawyer M. Sue Wilson uses a successful personal, client-centered approach at the M. Sue Wilson Law Offices, which has created one of the largest Family Law firms in Minnesota. Through the firm's extensive appellate practice, M. Sue Wilson Law Offices have been influential in shaping Minnesota's family law and policy. As a client-based Family Law practice, the M. Sue Wilson Law Offices are your partners in the divorce process. Clients have a say in the proceedings. A cost benefit analysis helps to determine the best process for each client. Responsive. Effective. High quality results. We care about your well being. Video Rating: 0 / 5 Pittsburgh PA divorce lawyers that handles Pennsylvania divorce, child custody, child support and military divorces. Our Pittsburgh family law attorneys handle family law matters. Allegheny County divorce attorney. Pittsburgh PA family lawyer.
Answer by Kimberly B
ouch.. this would be a tough your local police station and ask them what to do...have them contact the ohio police and see what the possible charges may be if any...shes your child to.
Answer by hi
no cant help sry
Answer by yeahright
it should be possible
Answer by Geovany
Answer by Cornish Maid
It's a great pity that your judge was not 'Judge Judy'. Over in the UK she has been winning more and more respect for her ability to put wrongs in their proper place. We wish we had someone like her closer to us! (847) 520-8100 for immediate help from attorney David M. Siegel. He is a highly respected divorce and family law attorney with offices in Chicago, Wheeling, Joliet, Waukegan and Aurora, Illinois. He has been featured on FoxNews, the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, The Daily Herald, Time, Newsweek and several other media publications. He is the author of the book Divorec & Family Law Who Has The Legal Right When Things Go Terribly Wrong? For more information, he can be contacted at (847) 520-8100 or visit Video Rating: 0 / 5
Answer by weepingannual
Thank you, Newt.
Answer by Stuart
As you two are not legally separated or divorced, and there is no custody order from the court, you two can play "steal the kid" all you want to. Of course, he'll figure out a way to get her back, and you'll be back to square one. Get an attorney. - Stuart
When you need a divorce attorney in Southern Pines, NC, rely on Law Offices of Ron Scott Pllc. We offer legal representation for a variety of case types including Child Custody Support, Family Law and much more. We strive to educate our clients and inform them of their options so we can get the results they want. For an attorney in Southern Pines, NC, Call on Law Offices of Ron Scott Pllc.
Answer by Sam
1 - definitely continue complying with the support order until you win the reconsideration / appeal. 2 - don't call your x's attorney. Not only is it dumb, it's actually against the rules of ethics for him/her to talk to you without your attorney present. 3 - unless your x remarried, it doesn't matter if she "moved on". Once she remarries, then you can probably stop payments - after checking with a lawyer. 4 - If your situation hasn't changed (lost job, disability etc), I don't see why your support order would be changed.
Answer by Quixotic²
She should apply for legal aid.
Answer by Melanie
He can chose either one. If there are children involved then child support/visitation will be done in the state that the person having possession of the child is residing.
Answer by sheloves_dablues
You take a copy of your divorce decree to SS, the DMV, etc. just like you did with your marraige certificate when you got married.
Answer by BRAE
hmm, well all she has to do is ask the attorney. but im quite sure it wont take all of her savings. and one more thing , she will most likely be able to save or get back all she spent on the divorce by not being with the hubby no more. a great investment if you ask me.
Answer by sammy
If they think its best then thats good that there is no fighting
The Taylor Law Office is a client focused family law firm located in Jacksonville, Florida. Video Rating: 0 / 5
Answer by auftritt
You need to find an attorney and get some proper legal advice. Don't depend on any information that you get from Yahoo Answers to solve your legal problems. 727-475-5175 Tamara K. Holden, PA in Largo and Tampa, Florida handles all aspects of family law, divorce, custody, child support and more. Contact the law firm for family law representation. GRAPHIC [TAMARA K. HOLDEN PA Family Law Offices. YOU'RE NOT ALONE 727.475.5175 | 813.418.7368 The Plaza Center 1301 Seminole Blvd. Suite 141 Largo, FL 33770 | 3111 West MLK Jr. Blvd. Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33607] TAMARA K. HOLDEN: I'm passionate about what I do and that transcends through to each case. The difference is in the details and we are experienced to handle your needs. I strive to put together a solution that works best for the client so that they leave feeling that they're in a better position than they were in when they came to see me. Our firm is primarily focused on all aspects of family law, divorce cases, custody cases, child support cases. We are a full service family law firm. Mediation is typically the best option because a client controls the outcome of their case. However, if an agreement cannot be reached then I am ready and able to go to court. We prepare vigorously for your case, and aggressively, and involve the client with the trial preparation. At the Law Firm of Tamara K. Holden we will be with you every step of the way. You won't be alone. GRAPHIC: [TAMARA K. HOLDEN PA Family Law Offices. YOU'RE NOT ALONE 727.475.5175 | 813.418.7368 The Plaza Center 1301 Seminole Blvd ... Orlando's Family Law Attorney Jacques Cooper discusses critical issues a mother should consider in a Florida Child Custody Case. Video Rating: 0 / 5
Answer by janicajayne
Go down to Barnes and Noble and buy "Divorce for Dummies" book. Or play it safe and legal and get a lawyer.