Monday, April 23, 2012

huge divorce mess, can anyone help?

Question by MightyKumquat: huge divorce mess, can anyone help? I have a friend who is having a really hard time. He has been trying to divorce his wife for the past 2 years. He joined the military a few years ago, stationed in florida when she pushed him to marry her during a visit out there. she went back to their home state of wisconsin to live. he then got stationed to texas. although they never lived together, he bought her a house in wisconsin (where he stupidly has the mortgage under his name but the deed is under both their names). she then proceeded to cheat on him while he was away. obviously, this marriage was a disaster to begin with. luckily they have NO kids together. after a years of this, he filed for separation, which she agreed to. then, he filed for divorce and she has been using stall tactics to prevent them from getting a divorce. he has had his lawyer serve her papers 14 times and each time, she has come back asking to change a term here or there, or agreeing to sign the papers if they call off the hearing but never signing the papers or she's requested a trial by jury (which would cost him thousands more, but her nothing since she doesn't have a lawyer). she actually called him once and laughed saying she will never give him a divorce - this while she is still living with the man she initially cheated on him with. now, she is saying that she will sign the papers if he pays off her $ 2000 credit card debt. of course, he doesn't trust her. my friend is now stationed in hawaii and knows that he can try to file again under hawaii laws as soon as he's been a resident for 6 months. but the question is: what happens if she still refuses to sign the papers or keeps trying to stall for more money as she has been doing? anyone have any practical or legal advise for handling this? it's been a nighmare for this my friend. he paid his attorney $ 4000 and got no results so he's really concerned that it will be the same in hawaii. key divorce points: married in florida, husband lived in texas and currently in hawaii, wife in wisconsin. no kids. 1 house that is currently under market value with husband's name on mortgage and both names on deed. hey mike, yeah, it does seem like a crazy story and i wish it was all fabricated. however, i've seen a few of divorce paper copies that his attorney sent him when they served her so i know he is trying. btw, i'm his best friend, not his gf. although his gf is thinking about dumping him over this. Best answer:

Answer by Mike
His divorce would be much simpler if he gave up all his assets and moved on. This is how I divorced btw, and my life was much better. My gut reaction to this is that he has a girlfriend, presumably you, and he is feeding his gf lies about the divorce so he can stay married and have a piece of @ss gf on the side, hence the delayed divorce. If I were to give his gf advice...I would divorce= no sex.

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