Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Getting into an Ivy League School for college advice?

Question by Dannyo95: Getting into an Ivy League School for college advice? I am a freshman soon to be sophomore at a prestigious magnet high school in Chicago. As of late I have been extremely interested in boosting my application quirks. I do have a few: my family is living by the University of Chicago Campus (my father is a student working on his Phd.), but we are rather poor due to my father's student loans. I was born in a tiny town in Czech Republic, and through a twist of events, involving divorce, remarriage, deportation of a loved one, health/ health care problems and cancer of my father. We do not own a car, have cable, and every day I wake up at 6 00 and take 2 buses to get to school on the other side of the city. I have not yet taken the SATs or ACT, but I have taken the ISATs (going from 33 percent percentile in 4th grade to 95 percentile in 5th grade to 99 percentile in 7th grade) and the EXPLORE test, given to 8th and 9th graders by the same company that administers the ACT (I have earned a 24 out of 25, with biology being my Achilles heel). I have participated in Math Team, Latin Olympics for 4 years, Latin Team, Eco Team, and Mycelia this year. Next year, I am taking 5 Honors classes, 1 Regular, and 1 AP World History. This year, I took 4 honors classes and 2 regulars. I hope to continue NJHS and join debate team and maybe even Key club next year. My only real problem is my GPA. In the 1st semester, I had A's in 5 classes and a B- in one. On the 2nd semester, I had 4 A+'s and 2 B+'s. The problem is: my transcript shows just A's and B's, no pluses or minuses. By my junior year, I plan to be fluent in English, Latin, Slovak (and some Czech), hook up with the Slovak government for a sort of internship (my father has connections, long story), and have taken 6 AP classes. Oh, and I actually do have a talent: writing. People have actually told me I could win the Pulitzer prize. One of my poems was published in a book once. BTW, for those of you wondering, I would like to become either an attorney or judge. So, can I have advice or perhaps recommendations? Best answer:

Answer by BadMan
Don't do it...I was exactly like you and I tried so hard to be that perfect applicant who could get into Stanford, my dream school. But it didn't work out because I didn't grow properly. I ignored the people around me and I forgot to have fun while doing things I loved...I realize that now. And I also didn't get into Stanford. But I DID get into Duke University which is really prestigious. But now that I'm in a top 10 university, I still don't feel happy. It's like it doesn't really matter. Focus on yourself. Go out and date. Do things that you'll like. Improve yourself for the sake of improving yourself. Don't be obsessed with college admissions.

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