Friday, August 3, 2012

my husband wants a divorce and is trying to take our nine year old away from me!?

Question by : my husband wants a divorce and is trying to take our nine year old away from me!? My Husband and I have been seperated for a month and yesturday i just got divorce papers from him along with other things he is trying to seek full custody of our 9 year old daughter, get me to pay child support along with having life insurance on me with him as beneficiary!! We split up because for the 2nd time he wants to take our daughter to new york on christmas...with him his father and stepmother. My husband has a learning disability and has his dad as power of attorney over him plus he does not even get his check it goes straight to his dad and his dad pays his bills. My husband is 40 and i am 30 and have been married nine years, He goes to a psyciatrist for is anxiety and anger problems but yet they say i am an unfit mother when i am the one that is always taking care of her , my daughter is everything to me, i have told my husband he could come over anytime and on the day i left i told him i am taking our daughter out of school and he said ok then after i left he lied to his dad and told him i didn't. I want to live my life the way i want it while my husband will do anything and everything his family tells him to do. On the last day I was there i heard his father say tell your wife if she does not let your daughter go to new york for christmas than you will not take her to see her mom or husband just told me..he did not defend me at all and they are making me look so bad even when i comprimised and said she can go a week before or the week after and they said no. I have always let her go see his realitives except on holidays i think the mom,dad and children should be together and wherever they go. They are saying i am making it hard for them to see her but i told them they could whenever, they said i am a good mother before now they are calling me would absolutly devastate me to loose my baby please someone give me advice it is not about just about chrismas i let her go last year and they said they would not take her is mostly about him not being man enough to discuss things and decide how things are going to be done as a couple and then getting his whole family involed and getting into the middle of our marriage, i got married to him quickly...if i knew then what i know now...but then again i would not have my beautiful daughter/ they get involved in everything even going as far as telling me what to name our child and threatning to disown him if he doesn't Best answer:

Answer by ablex
Talk to an attorney The odds of him getting even primary custody are slim, particularly given his mental/emotional issues.

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