Question by : For the Sheriffs or People that know the Florida Law? Okay, i know this guy who is getting a divorce, still married, and he gave his girlfriend power of attorney over his car. The wife is not on the title, only his name. If the girlfriend has all the Information( no title or papers since its in the car) but the power of attorney has the description on the car; and has power of attorney on the car, how and can she get the car from the wife, who has it. The power of attorney is a special one from the sheriffs office. There is no place for the girlfriend to sign, it has the date the hereby and the name of who is in charge to handle his legal and personal representatives and assigns since he is in jail. It tells her that she is grant whatever whatever, and then has his name and his address and his signature, with the notary that signed and the type of id that granted this special power of attorney. How will the girlfriend be able to get the car if she doesn't know where the car is, but has power of attorney over it. The girlfriend knows the wife's name and her lawyers information, but whats the easiest way to get the car?
Best answer: Answer by Tami
THe girlfriend could go to jail or face fines.... When a person petitions for divorce, they are legally barred from transfering property of the marriage, until a judge decides where everything will go...if the girlfriend got that power of attorney for the purpose of transfering assets, she could get in trouble for collusion with the guy that is trying to break a court order. Wait til the divorce is final, then sue for the car, if it was legally given to you PRIOR to the divorce.
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