Question by Jim Is Hot: Help with Child Custody issue? My husband and I are in the middle of a child custody dispute & divorce. Because my husband brought up the child custody dispute in Dauphin County, PA, while I was living in Rhode Island... I had to move down to Dauphin County so that I can claim this jurisdiction as well. I have a lawyer here too. I am now in Dauphin County, and we supposedly have shared custody, however our son is with living with his dad. I called the dad today to ask to have dinner with our son. He said our son had plans for dinner and couldnt make it. When I spoke to our son, he said he had no plans and he's been watching tv all day long. Basically his dad wont do anything unless directed by his attorney. I have an attorney as well. But anything spontaneous like a dinner with his mom even if he's been watching tv all day long never happens. He only has custody of our child because he initiated everything in this jurisdiction and the court has followed him because of this jurisdiction issue. what do I do? I do not have any history of drug abuse or criminal behavior. Life is basically not fair sometimes. I did not leave. Basically we were alternating months of care for our child while I was living Rhode Island and he got the month of September. He started school here. I was living in Rhode Island because my ex was reactivated during the Surge and he and I both agreed that I should go live with my parents during that time.
Best answer: Answer by Jordan M
You have only posted half the story. How come your husband has physical custody? Did he take the boy and move away or did you leave? No one can really properly respond to you as there are so many gray areas and questions that beg to be asked from your post.
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