Friday, October 19, 2012
After being divorced for almost 15 years can I now get joint custody of my daughter?
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Thursday, October 18, 2012
After being divorced for almost 15 years can I now get joint custody of my daughter?
Answer by lucidwillow
I'm not a lawyer but I am certain you would have to prove your ex to be perversely unfit to win a case such as this. You have been divorced for 15 yrs and now you could per sue guardianship over your daughter the judge would wonder why now. I am sure you could find a lawyer to take the case but it could cost as little as 8,000 and go up from there.
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I Need help with divorce papers...?
Answer by happy 1
if the divorce is going to be friendly then just go to your local court house. they will help you. you really don't need a lawyer. good luck.
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Q&A: If I give my father my power of attorney, can he appear as me in court?
Answer by Sans Deity
No, power of attorney is for giving someone the ability to act as you when it comes to medical or financial decisions, not court proceedings. The only way your father could act in this manner would be if you were physically incapacitated, like being in a coma or something.
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012
I Lost my Job After my Wife and I Split - Do I Still Owe Child Support? FL Attorney Steven Kramer
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Q&A: Where do I file a motion for a stay of court proceedings in florida?
Answer by raichasays
Husband filed in Florida and that is the court handling the mediation procedures? If so, your mother has apparently consented to jurisdiction in Florida by participating so far. Any further action on the case happens there. But why does she want a motion for a stay of proceedings? To file for a stay, she has to have a good reason. Finding out that he is a bigamist is good evidence to get divorced, not to stop it. Seems to me she would want to resolve this and be divorced from this jerk. In my opinion, she figure out exactly what she wants from him (property, alimony, etc.) and file the paperwork in Florida to get a hearing to decide that.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
how to find good child attorney for child visitation?
Answer by Maxi
Why are you allowing visitation and contact if you know he is a pervert? Why would you need to get an attorney, unless you have been court ordered to allow visitation...refuse access and let him get the attorney and fight for visitation, then insist on supervised access only...but have your proof why you want it......and change your child's sim card
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Miami Divorce Attorney Raul Perez-Ceballos (786) 346-5616 Miami Divorce Attorney, Case Reviews! Abogado de divorcio en Miami habla de el estado de la ley. 814 Ponce de Leon Blvd Suite 318 Coral Gables, FL 33134 ph 786-346-5616 Miami Divorce Attorney Abogado en Miami Divorce Attorney...
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Monday, October 15, 2012
Q&A: My husband says that if we were to divorce, I wouldn't get one red cent. Can he do this?
Answer by A Canadian
WOW...what a horrible man you have married. Personally, sleeping in my car would be preferable to staying with a man like this for one second longer. I'm sorry but I don't know what the laws are in Florida, bit I very much doubt any court would leave you destitute.
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Divorce Mediation in Florida - Tampa Mediation Attorney Naples Florida family law and divorce attorneys and lawyers. Call (239)-793-5297 right now for a FREE consultation. Child custody, fathers rights, mediation, visitation, support and all other phases of family law in Naples FL. Musca Law 2650 Airport Rd S # H, Naples, FL 34112-4886 (239) 793-5297 http Video Rating: 0 / 5
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Sunday, October 14, 2012
Getting a Divorce - we still say we love each other?
Answer by Devil, Angel of my heart.
is it an automatic "i love you", or is it really meant? you can love someone, but not be able to live with them.
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Saturday, October 13, 2012
Tampa Divorce Attorney - Divorce Attorney Tampa Contact Tampa Divorce Attorney Mindi Lasley for more information on Aggressive-Experienced Divorce Representation. Call 813-873-9047 Divorce Attorney Tampa Video Rating: 0 / 5
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what wife can get through an army divorce..?
Answer by grimreaper
lol i dont think there is anyway she should try to find a job and i know its hard if the guy cared he should give money but you guys shouldnt rob him hes a soldier
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Forged Documents - Florida?
Answer by Common sense isn't anymore..
If you can prove she gave permission, you might be off the hook, though legally you DID forge her name, which is a crime to do and have notarized. I suggest the lawyer help you with this honestly, it may get messy.
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Friday, October 12, 2012
Child Custody...Florida Law?
Answer by Jummpin_Been
First of all if you leave make sure that your c your daughter. i am a daughter without a dad and it SUCKS so do what ever you have to do to c her. Thats all i can offer i am sorry and the best of luck to ya!
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After a divorce, is it fair to pull away health benefits from a pregnant former wife?
Answer by ashbcutie
If she's the primary person on the benefit plan, then no.
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Divorce Lawyer in Tallahassee, Call the Florida Lawyer at the Deli when the LOVE in your marriage is over and a Florida Divorce is necessary. Talk to Steve Miller - 877-348-3354.
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Thursday, October 11, 2012
☯ Palm Coast Family Law Attorney ☮ Divorce Attorney Timothy M. Goan, PA ☯ Timothy M. Goan, PA 1 Hargrove Grade, Suite 2 Palm Coast, FL 32137-5159 (386) 445-9003 Dealing with the end of a marriage can often be an emotionally devastating ordeal, or it can be something that both spouses have arrived at agreeably and amicably. Palm Coast Divorce Attorney Timothy Goan has extensive experience with Family Law matters, and can help eliminate some of the uncertainty and doubt you may have about divorce and your family's future after the dissolution of your marriage. You do not need to go through this alone. Divorce doesn't have to be expensive, hostile or emotionally destructive. Whatever your needs, Attorney Goan has the skills, resources and years of experience to make a potentially painful experience as pleasant as possible. Protect your rights and preserve your future. Call us and schedule time for a personal one-on-one discussion with Divorce Attorney Goan. You can contact us by phone or email, and we'll set up an appointment for a low cost initial consultation. Located in Flagler County Florida, the Law Office of Timothy M. Goan, PA is easily accessible from anywhere in Northeast Florida. Don't wait any longer. Call now and put the "Goan Advantage" to work for you! Also visit us at http
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Attorney's Please Help!?
Answer by troble # one?
Get a lawyer....write everything down...Dates and times....
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divorce and child custody?
Answer by dirbe22
thats so wrong im sorry man but keep going u will win by default and u can maybe file kidnapping charges agniast her.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Q&A: How do I get in front of the Judge to get child support established? I have an attorney.?
Answer by "spankmaster general"
go to your local child support agency !!
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Daytona Beach Divorce Lawyers-Call 386-530-4826 in Daytona Beach
Call 386- 530-4826 Daytona Beach Divorce Lawyers-Call 386- 530-4826 in Daytona Beach If you are going through a divorce finding the right divorce lawyer is vital. Daytona Beach divorce lawyers understand and respect their client's wishes. To find a lawyer you can check with your local... Video Rating: 5 / 5
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what is your take on the Hogan divorce?
Answer by pat g
Publicity. So you will tune in to the new season, after all, how much longer can he possibly wrestle? and she needs his money, can you imagine how much she spends on implants and hair dye?
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Tuesday, October 9, 2012
How can I find my kids?
Answer by normobrian
When you get a custody judgement , file papers for custodial interference. If it goes to trial, and she doesn't show, Florida will issue a bench warrant for her. If she's stopped in CA., the warrant will show up and she will be put in jail. That may help locate the kids, but you've got to be packed and ready to go the minute you're notified, because Florida won't seek extradition and she'll be released. You've got to get the kids before she can get out of jail.
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Need info on how to access my sons bank account, he died without a Florida.?
Answer by Vixenella
I would contact the bank and explain the situation. Sorry about your loss.
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DUI Reduced to Reckless Driving Florida Tampa DUI Attorney Christian Denmon discusses how a competent DUI Attorney may reduce a Drunk Driving Charge to a Reckless driving charge. Denmon and Denmon Trial Lawyers has a TAMPA DUI Attorney Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Monday, October 8, 2012
Why is my daughter getting taken in her divorce, is this common, and is there any help?
Answer by Shαnnδn
New lawyer, don't pay the one she has.
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Sunday, October 7, 2012
Q&A: divorce, residency, inconvenient forum?
Answer by Capt
While you may claim you are not trying to "dodge the law" your first question certainly implied that by my read. I have personally represented myself in a number of cases by boning up on the law AND KNOWING THE PROTOCOL of the court system. Any action must begin in the home state of residence. You seem to assume you can begin a divorce action, custody issue, and threat of domestic violence unilaterally by "moving" or jumping jurisdictions. THAT is not how the court system works. Your "seed idea" of "inconvenient forum" is something that will occur AFTER a filing for divorce BEGINS. You have to be physically in front of a judge, for a scheduled hearing on an action filed with the court clerk who begins the procedure for scheduling that aforementioned "hearing". In the case of a divorce that would require all parties to be notified of said hearing. In the case of custody matters all parties must be notified. I would advise you to seek professional help as you clearly don't understand how the legal system works. In the case of domestic violence even in Arizona there ought to be taxpayer funded and other resources to assist you. It is not simply enough to "know about the law" and something then magically happens. You have to know the protocol of the court as well. I think if you come to a forum like this to seek advice you should listen and post accordingly rather than rave at those who are giving you advice whether or not its what you want to hear or just plain fact. If you are unable or willing to present all the facts of a matter than don't admonish me for trying to help based on the limited information you offer. I still have no idea of the status of two key issues that bear heavily on the seed question you ask. Has he lost custody? Has he a restraining order? By DEFINITION the action starts in the court where the initial action is filed...that would be your home state. The court then makes a determination of "inconvenient forum" upon its own or by motion of the parent. TITLE XLIII DOMESTIC RELATIONS CHAPTER 458-A UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION ACT Section 458-A:7 458-A:7 Inconvenient Forum. – I. A court which has jurisdiction under this chapter to make an initial or modification decree may decline to exercise its jurisdiction any time before making a decree if it finds that it is an inconvenient forum to make a custody determination under the circumstances of the case and that a court of another state is a more appropriate forum. II. A finding of inconvenient forum may be made upon the court's own motion or upon motion of a party or a guardian ad litem or other representative of the child. III. In determining if it is an inconvenient forum, the court shall consider if it is in the interest of the child that another state assume jurisdiction. For this purpose it may take into account the following factors, among others, whether: (a) Another state is or recently was the child's home state; (b) Another state has a closer connection with the child and his family or with the child and one or more of the contestants; (c) Substantial evidence concerning the child's present or future care, protection, training, and personal relationships is more readily available in another state; (d) The parties have agreed on another forum which is no less appropriate; (e) The exercise of jurisdiction by a court of this state would contravene any of the purposes stated in RSA 458-A:1. IV. Before determining whether to decline or retain jurisdiction, the court may communicate with a court of another state and exchange information pertinent to the assumption of jurisdiction by either court with a view to assuring that jurisdiction will be exercised by the more appropriate court and that a forum will be available to the parties. V. If the court finds that it is an inconvenient forum and that a court of another state is a more appropriate forum, it may dismiss the proceedings or it may stay the proceedings upon condition that a custody proceeding be promptly commenced in another named state or upon any other conditions which may be just and proper, including the condition that a moving party stipulate his consent and submission to the jurisdiction of the other forum. VI. Where the court has jurisdiction of an action or proceeding brought to annul a marriage or to declare the nullity of a void marriage or for a separation or for a divorce, the court may decline to exercise jurisdiction of an application for a custody determination made therein while retaining jurisdiction of the matrimonial action. VII. If it appears to the court that it is clearly an inappropriate forum, it may require the party who commenced the proceedings to pay, in addition to the costs of the proceedings in this state, necessary travel and other expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred by other parties or their witnesses. Payment shall be made to the clerk of the court for remittance to the proper party. VIII. Upon dismissal or stay of proceedings under this section, the court shall inform the court found to be the more appropriate forum of such dismissal or stay, or, if the court which would have jurisdiction in the other state is not certainly known, shall transmit the information to the court administrator or other appropriate official for forwarding to the appropriate court. IX. Any communication received from another state to the effect that its courts have made a finding of inconvenient forum because a court of this state is the more appropriate forum shall be filed with the clerk of the appropriate court. Upon assuming jurisdiction the court of this state shall inform the original court of this fact. Source. 1979, 345:1, eff. Sept. 1, 1979. Bottom line: GET AN ATTORNEY and a little work on the "attitude" will benefit you socially. I am leaving what I said above alone. I have gone into your "question" history and now have a much better idea of what you are all about. I suspect you are under duress and truly DO need help. GET IT. You are most uninformed about the law and how the court works. Divorce is one issue Custody of the children is a second issue. Domestic violence is usually considered physical abuse NOT verbal abuse.
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Chances of relocating with my child after a divorce?
Answer by roh P
Your chances will be good because he only sees her for 1 or 2 weeks in a year, so it is arguable that he can travel to where she is living during his relative short visit and see her there , or arrange to move her to where he is living within your country of residence during his visit from his work country. If there is no court order restricting you movement and relocation, simply let him know in advance and give him reasonable options to see his child, including room for him to make suggestions, and do it in that fashion. I would go as far as saying that if the intention to move is well founded and not motivated purely to deny him access to the child, and if you are willing to facilitate his access within the relocation, then you will be fine to do so even without informing him in advance. However, I think you should take reasonable steps to inform him in a way that is not confrontational ( in writing), so that you are totally in the clear. It simply has to say: Dear X I have compelling reasons to move to Y. Both my partner and I have got good jobs there. We can't afford to give up this opportunity. Therefore I have to inform you that you can see Z in Y during your visits to this country. In the alternative, you can make arrangements to fly her to where you are in this country during the visits. I am willing to hear from you with suggestions as to how it will be conveniet to see considering the move. Thanking you in advance and looking forward to hearing from you with your response. Yours sincerely ..... See a lawyer.
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Saturday, October 6, 2012
Q&A: In the middle of a divorce and not sure of the next step?
Answer by nastyboy
Beg him to take you back!
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Q&A: ok i need to know an attorney close to TN or knows TN help me?
Answer by divot II
No one can provide enough information here. Try TN legal aid. Try law schools in TN--many law schools have clinical programs to help indigent people.
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Friday, October 5, 2012
Divorce Attorney Tampa | Steven Glaros & Associates | (813) 854-1234
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Should I (child) be receiving Child Support? And to which Age?
Answer by The Scofield
No. You are not due anything because your father made the decision on your behalf, which he has the right to do until you are 18. You do not get child support until you're 21, because you are no longer a child after 18. Besides, you should man up and not rely on your mother to pay your bills for you. Get a job in the city. Many thousands of people manage to work and go to school. Your mother doesn't owe you anything, she raised you for 16 years. AND, it's spelled Manhattan.
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Should I (child) be receiving Child Support? And to which Age?
Answer by Jenn Ren
child support only goes till you are 18 and it goes to your parent not you. and it was in the custody agreement so you cant go back on that.
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Thursday, October 4, 2012
I am about to get sued, but have no money?
Answer by Sham Wow Obama
Jail, no He can place liens on you.
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Memphis Divorce Attorney Larry Rice: on Legal Separation and Annulment in Tennessee
Attorney Larry Rice, a senior partner at Memphis based firm Rice, Amundsen, & Caperton, PLLC, explains reasons for legal separation and annulment. Larry Rice is certified as a Family Law Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy and certified as a Family Law Specialist by the Tennessee Board of Specialization. Mr. Rice has lectured at six American Bar Association conventions. He has lectured to lawyers in Tennessee, New York, Georgia, Arkansas, Mississippi, Illinois, Indiana, Virginia, Louisiana, New Jersey, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, California, New Jersey, Washington, Massachusetts, Alabama, California, Ohio, and Canada on many occasions on topics from Law Office Management to Ethics to Trial Practice. He authored Divorce Practice in Tennessee, The Effective Ethical Lawyer, and The Complete Guide to Divorce Practice: Forms and Procedures for Lawyers 1st, 2nd and 3rd editions. He served on the Editorial Board of the Matrimonial Strategist and has contributed articles on trial tactics, AIDS, and other topics. He was the founding Chairperson of the Divorce and Family Law Section of the Memphis Bar Association and co-founder of the Family Law Section of the Tennessee Bar Association. Mr. Rice is listed in Who's Who in American Law and Who's Who in the World. He is a partner at Rice, Amundsen, and Caperton, LLPC He practices law daily and can be reached either by phone at 901-526-6701, by fax 901-526-6702, or by e-mail at He practice ... Video Rating: 0 / 5
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Florida Child Custody Laws?
Answer by Arthur W
No there are always exceptions to every rule and sinceboth have established permanent residences, the Judge will grant an exception here
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Tuesday, October 2, 2012
I need to know where i can find out about child custody laws in arkansas?
Answer by cvsspirit94
Google it!!!
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Tips for Better Communication with Children During Divorce - FL Family Law Attorney Steve Kramer
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Divorce Lawyer/Attorney - Alimony for Abandoning Spouse
Top New York (NY) and New Jersey (NJ) Divorce/Child Support/Child Custody Lawyer/Attorney Adam Handler gives free advice to callers at The Law Link Show on Linkup Radio 93.5 FM. Do you have to pay alimony/maintenance to the spouse who abandons you? Watch this video to the end to hear...
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Monday, October 1, 2012
Divorce Attorney Tampa-The Best Divorce Attorneys in Tampa
If you are looking for a Divorce Attorney in Tampa then look no further! If you are a Tampa Divorce Attorney that is getting no traffic to your website then you need to contact me ASAP before your competition does! To get a hold of me, send me an email at or call me at (612) 849-5193 and we can talk about working together! Video Rating: 5 / 5
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Elliot Green Brooklyn Divorce Lawyer
Elliot Green Law Offices serves New York and Brooklyn. Elliot is a divorce lawyer specializing in Divorce, Uncontested Divorce, Child Custody & Visitation, Spousal Support & Alimony, Property Division, Paternity, Modification & Enforcement, Child Abuse & Neglect, Domestic Violence, and Child Support Call today for a free 30 minute consultation. 718-260-8668 Video Rating: 0 / 5
Attorney Larry Rice, a senior partner at Memphis based firm Rice, Amundsen, & Caperton, PLLC, discusses the Modification of the Child Support Agreement and Alimony during the Divorce process. Larry Rice is certified as a Family Law Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy and certified as a Family Law Specialist by the Tennessee Board of Specialization. Mr. Rice has lectured at six American Bar Association conventions. He has lectured to lawyers in Tennessee, New York, Georgia, Arkansas, Mississippi, Illinois, Indiana, Virginia, Louisiana, New Jersey, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, California, New Jersey, Washington, Massachusetts, Alabama, California, Ohio, and Canada on many occasions on topics from Law Office Management to Ethics to Trial Practice. He authored Divorce Practice in Tennessee, The Effective Ethical Lawyer, and The Complete Guide to Divorce Practice: Forms and Procedures for Lawyers 1st, 2nd and 3rd editions. He served on the Editorial Board of the Matrimonial Strategist and has contributed articles on trial tactics, AIDS, and other topics. He was the founding Chairperson of the Divorce and Family Law Section of the Memphis Bar Association and co-founder of the Family Law Section of the Tennessee Bar Association. Mr. Rice is listed in Who's Who in American Law and Who's Who in the World. He is a partner at Rice, Amundsen, and Caperton, LLPC He practices law daily and can be reached either by phone at 901-526-6701, by fax 901-526-6702, or ... Video Rating: 0 / 5
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5 Things to Know if You're Thinking About Divorce - Orlando, FL Family Law Attorney Steven Kramer Florida family law and divorce attorney Steve Kramer explains the 5 things you need to know if you're thinking about divorce. The first thing you should know is that even if you start a divorce you can always stop the proceedings. If you reconcile, the process can be stopped. Next is mediation. This is an opportunity to get with your spouse and a mediator to hash out your issues -- no judge or jury involved. The third thing is child support. In Florida, someone always pays child support. This is decided by several factors including income and timesharing. Timesharing and communication between your spouse and you is what is called a parenting plan. A parenting plan is basically Florida's version of custody. It's a blueprint of both of your obligations. Lastly, you always have the ability to change your child support or parenting plan. You have the ability to modify these issues as circumstances change in either one of your lives. Watch the video now to learn more. For more information about family law and my firm, visit our educational website at http where we have more videos to help answer your questions. If you have legal questions, I want you to call me at (877) 493-4847. I welcome your call. The Kramer Law Firm Attorneys & Counselors at Law Main Office 999 Douglas Avenue, Suite 3333 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 407.834.4847 Tampa Satellite Office 8875 Hidden River Pkwy, Ste 300 Tampa, FL 33637 813.975.7463 Downtown Orlando Office 37 N. Orange ...
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Sunday, September 30, 2012
Family Law Help - Divorce lawyer in Long Island
New York divorce lawyer Jeffrey B. Peltz gives an introduction to uncontested divorce in New York.
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can my wife take my daughter out of state (california) without my permission? she's taken her to florida.?
Answer by adrianlepine4190
I'm going through kinda the same thing. And my lawyer said that untill the divorce is final and one of us is given custody of the child that legally either parent can take the child and go anywhere they want.
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Saturday, September 29, 2012
Q&A: Served ex with divorce papers, how long can he stall?
Answer by Trilliana
Hi, If you are not using an attorney, you probably should; the do-it-yourself kits are only good when everyone follows the rules. You need professional help when one of the parties decides they don't want to play by the rules. Looks like your husband wants to play this out. Get an attorney so that you are protected. Best Wishes!
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Long Island Mothers Rights Lawyers New York Child Custody Attorneys Melville Family Law Firm 888-389-1411 Mothers should not rely on the unspoken preference of custody going to the mother. Protect your mother's rights. Contact Bryan L Salamone & Associates in Melville, New York. [GRAPHIC BRYAN L. SALAMONE & ASSOCIATES, PC, DIVORCE AND FAMILY LAW, Free Consultation. Call Now!, 631-479-2857 | 888-389-1411,, 1145 Walt Whitman Road Melville, NY 11747] Mother's rights have been eroded and chipped away by the father's rights, and a lot -- [GRAPHIC: Bryan L. Salamone, Esq., Attorney at Law] -- of the men are simply trying to gain favor and custody to reduce support obligations. We know this and we're ready to attack those positions. It's important that a mother does not rely on the unspoken preference of custody going to the mother. In fact, mothers should get the most experienced and the most well-known attorneys. There are attorneys who aren't prepared to litigate. We're prepared to take any case to trial -- [GRAPHIC: BRYAN L. SALAMONE & ASSOCIATES, PC, DIVORCE AND FAMILY LAW, Free Consultation. Call Now!, 631-479-2857 | 888-389-1411,, 1145 Walt Whitman Road Melville, NY 11747] -- and to do what it takes to fight hard for our clients.
Attorney Larry Rice, a senior partner at Memphis based firm Rice, Amundsen, & Caperton, PLLC, provides an explanation of grounds for divorce. Larry Rice is certified as a Family Law Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy and certified as a Family Law Specialist by the Tennessee Board of Specialization. Mr. Rice has lectured at six American Bar Association conventions. He has lectured to lawyers in Tennessee, New York, Georgia, Arkansas, Mississippi, Illinois, Indiana, Virginia, Louisiana, New Jersey, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, California, New Jersey, Washington, Massachusetts, Alabama, California, Ohio, and Canada on many occasions on topics from Law Office Management to Ethics to Trial Practice. He authored Divorce Practice in Tennessee, The Effective Ethical Lawyer, and The Complete Guide to Divorce Practice: Forms and Procedures for Lawyers 1st, 2nd and 3rd editions. He served on the Editorial Board of the Matrimonial Strategist and has contributed articles on trial tactics, AIDS, and other topics. He was the founding Chairperson of the Divorce and Family Law Section of the Memphis Bar Association and co-founder of the Family Law Section of the Tennessee Bar Association. Mr. Rice is listed in Who's Who in American Law and Who's Who in the World. He is a partner at Rice, Amundsen, and Caperton, LLPC He practices law daily and can be reached either by phone at 901-526-6701, by fax 901-526-6702, or by e-mail at He practice law at ... Video Rating: 5 / 5
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Friday, September 28, 2012
Should I (child) be receiving Child Support? And to which Age?
Answer by little78lucky
First: No there is an agreement Second: Child Support is usually only paid till 18 unless otherwise stated Third: Your parents are under no legal obligation to put you through college.
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Daytona Family and Custody Lawyers CALL LEO VIDAL @ 800-535-4072
Daytona's finest Divorce Attorneys and Custody Attorneys, Daytona Beach Don't go through your divorce without first consulting a professional divorce lawyer who is qualified to handle all of your issues including child custody and child support. Visit our site for a free consultation. Video Rating: 0 / 5
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Thursday, September 27, 2012
Served ex with divorce papers, how long can he stall?
Answer by Trilliana
Hi, If you are not using an attorney, you probably should; the do-it-yourself kits are only good when everyone follows the rules. You need professional help when one of the parties decides they don't want to play by the rules. Looks like your husband wants to play this out. Get an attorney so that you are protected. Best Wishes!
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My child in Florida wants me to file for custody of her, she is over 14. Where can I get free legal forms?
Answer by sunset
If she is your child why don't you already have custody of her. Who must you divorce first?
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Question about permanant, non-modifyable alimony in Florida... is it really permanent?
Answer by Snarkopolous Rex
Permanent and unmodifiable usually means just that. However, if both parties agree to change the arrangement then it can probably be done. It will involve talking to an attorney though, and they do usually charge for their time.
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