Question by Question in Florida: Forged Documents - Florida? My ex-wife of 20 years is a Correctional Officer. During the beginning of our divorce in May 2008, we were on good terms. In June 2008, my lawyer prepared our MSA and due to her time schedule at work it was difficult to find a notary, so I offered to sign her name with her permission and send it to my brother, who is a notary, in New Jersey. She agreed to that and called my brother giving him permission to do so. When I submitted the notorized MSA agreement to my attorney, he said that we couldn't submit the MSA to the court because it was signed from an out of state notory, so my wife signed the same MSA agreement two days later in front of a Florida Notary. Unfortunately, in confusion, both MSA agreements were submitted to the court, but since they were the same exact document, and my wife was aware of it, it wasn't a problem at the time for either one of us. In late June 2008 we reconcilled for about a month, at that time she was very depressed and wanted to move back to New Jersey and asked me if I could help her get her documents together, since she suffered from depression and was Baker Acted, I agreed to help her, since were were still married and I've signed her name a thousand times throughout our marriage, with her permission, I started to request her medical documents that were given to her, at our address when they came. Shortly after that, we seperated again and proceeded with the divorce, our divorce was final in August 2008. In March of 2009 things started to get nasty with her due to child support and visitation issues, I think she has mental problems and refuses to get treatment. She went to the police station with the documents she gave me permision to sign and filed a report that she didn't give me permission and that I forged her signature, I agree, I did sign the documents, but only with her permission, the police station now state that I comitted a felony and I could be facing some serious charges. I immediately contacted an attorney, he contacted the officer who contacted me and told him that my ex was Baker Acted and these false alligations are due to a child support/visitation dispute that she lost in court, but didn't give me much more information, he said until I am arrested he can't help me, but did tell me not to give any statements to the police in the meantime. Please, serious, honest answers only. I have custody of my child, can I lose custody and can my job be in jeapordy? What are the best case/worst case senarios? Has anyone had to deal with this and what was the outcome. At the time, I can honestly say I thought I was doing the right thing, trying to help her out, but because she is now angry with me, she is using this to attack me and I don't know what to do. Please help.
Best answer: Answer by Common sense isn't anymore..
If you can prove she gave permission, you might be off the hook, though legally you DID forge her name, which is a crime to do and have notarized. I suggest the lawyer help you with this honestly, it may get messy.
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