Question by mrs.kinzey: My husband says that if we were to divorce, I wouldn't get one red cent. Can he do this? We live in Florida and my husband has made it clear that if we ever get divorced, I'll be sleeping in my car and won't see one red cent - ever! He'll drain the checking account (that he refuses to put my name on) and have his brother hold on to the $ until the divorce is final and in the meantime, he'll use that $ as needed to get a power attorney for himself. He feels that since he makes most of the $ , I don't deserve any because he says I wouldn't have saved any if I were single anyway. He also points out that he had the same amount in his account before we were married and therefore, a judge would rule in his favor regardless. We don't have any assets other than our cars. We rent apartments. I have an account, but he sees to it that it's always drained. I work part-time, so the $ that I deposit has to get used for whatever we need first - therefore, it's always drained. There are a lot of times when he transfers $ from his account to mine. I've been trying to get a full-time job, but the economy being what it is, no one wants to pay more than minimum wage and provide benefits that I would need. If I took my chances and walked out the door OR if he left, he has made it very clear that I'll be sleeping in my car because I'll have no money to take care of myself OR he'll leave me with all the bills including the rent and there's absolutely no way I can afford it. He says he'll go to the courthouse and file for separation and that that automatically makes the bills and my care my responsibility and not his. -letterstoheather, he's a narcissistic personality. We argue here and there and that's when the threats are made. oracleofohio, he makes it impossible to hide anything. He asks for receipts and won't give me that much cash at a time. I have to account for every cent I spend. A Canadian - I know what you're saying, but it usually takes 30 days to get in front of a judge here in our county. In the meantime, you're on your own. Wow! Everyone's answer is beyond my expectations as far as helpful goes! You are all terrific and I really appreciate the info you are sending me! I love this man deeply, but I'm starting to feel the abuse and we've only been married since last May. I want to have a plan in place should things explode beyond repair. I try to keep it from happening, but even as quiet as I am, he finds me "rude and disrespectful" whenever there's a disagreement.
Best answer: Answer by A Canadian
WOW...what a horrible man you have married. Personally, sleeping in my car would be preferable to staying with a man like this for one second longer. I'm sorry but I don't know what the laws are in Florida, bit I very much doubt any court would leave you destitute.
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