Thursday, July 19, 2012

Q&A: Divorce question: I retained my attorney in Feb. 2007 and I am still not divorced. Why not?

Question by Sarah Sue: Divorce question: I retained my attorney in Feb. 2007 and I am still not divorced. Why not? My husband left my daughter and I last summer to return to his hometown which is in another state. I had to save up money to retain a lawyer and finally in February, I found one. The divorce is on the premise of adultery, abandonment, physical and emotional abuse. My lawyer is taking so long with the process--what can I do to speed it up. I can't fire my attorney because that would be $ 1000 down the drain. Also, child support has not even started. I am ready to be DIVORCED--so that I and my daughter can move on with our lives. I am located in Mississippi and my husband is in Florida. Please help! What can I say to my lawyer to speed up the process? Best answer:

Answer by janicajayne
These things take time. They have to find him, wait for the judge to set a date, do background checks and check into his finances, that takes weeks, compile all the information, and then look up laws to see what's fair to ask for, then you get to go to court.

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