Question by fireopal326: My friends plan to leave Navy husband and take kids. Is this legal? My friend's husband has been cheating on her for a long time, and she has forgiven him and gone back numerous times, but now she is done. They are currently stationed in NC since he is in the Navy, but she is currently in the processing of buying a house in Arizone where she wants to take the kids with her. Currently her husband's name is in the paperwork to buy the house, but he is working with lawyers and realtors to get his name off because he doesn't want her to go and take the kids...they have yet to have the final house inspection so he should be able to get his name off without too much of a fight, and then she will no longer qualify for the house loan, since she has no income. She doesn't work. ANYWAYS...she wants to move to Arizona, across the country, with the kids and stay married to her husband. She wants to wait to file for divorce so she can still be covered by insurance...but she expects him to pay $ 700 (BAH) each paycheck... They currently have a house on base, so they do not get BAH but she has a general power of attorney for her husband so she plans on getting out of the lease without his permission so he can give her the BAH and he will move to the barracks. Is there anything he can do??? Is this legal??? She is my friend but I completely disagree with what she is doing. I dont think they belong together, but I dont think she should take his kids away, whether he cheated or not. She says its not fair for her to have to stay here in NC, but its not all about her, the kids need their dad. @Mare Ummm...this is my friend and if this is at all illegal she can get in trouble, which I dont want for her! She can get into a lot of trouble if he finds a way to make this illegal. Thanks for no helpful input.
Best answer: Answer by Mare027
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