Friday, July 27, 2012

Q&A: How much will a divorce cost me?

Question by super girl: How much will a divorce cost me? I have unfortunately been married since 1989 and we have not been together for almost 9 years. Well upon checking my credit report, I found that I have 2 small items on my report that don't even equal $ 1000. Well I checked his (the ex) and saw that he has accumulated about $ 20,000 in debt with unpaid credit cards and unpaid bills etc. Well these charges have accumulated during the time we were apart. He had gotten his electric turned on in my name at one point and when the electric company sent me a letter stating that they were going to shut off my electric due to non payment at a house that I had never lived in. I called them and explained the situation and have not heard from them since. But on the other hand I noticed that he had filed complaints with the credit company saying he had never lived at any of the houses we had lived in in the past. He lived at every single one. Well the problem I am having is I want a divorce. I want it like I have never wanted anything else. I hate him and wish that he would choke on his own vomit and die. I am sure I will pay more than $ 500 for an attorney but I don't know of any other costs. Also I am afraid that I will responsible for his debt. He had left me on the curb while visiting family in California. He was using drugs and when I told him that I wasn't going to put up with it he left me there and took my kids. I got a job and moved to Pa where he took my kids and fought him and his mother for my kids and got them. He also collects ssi and collects it for the kids as well. He gets it because he is a drug addict. Being a drug addict means he gets to collect money from the government for mental illness. HE SMOKES CRACK AND GETS PAID TO DO IT. I have had the kids for more than 6 years after fighting for 2. I have taken care of myself and my kids ever since. I feel jilted and I feel its all unfair. I don't get child support and I made too much money last year to collect welfare this year. Hm. I have recently lost my job and am collecting unemployment. How is a girl like me ever going to get on my feet? I have worked so hard all of my life to take care of my kids and myself and I get nothing but f$ %@ed. Is there any real advice anyone can give me? I need some real advice. Perhaps from someone who may have successfully gone through anything similar. But really any answers will do from anyone. Best answer:

Answer by apples0919
go to they can even do it by mail if they have one in your state.... otherwise you can go to the court house and get papers to do it by yourself. divorce center is about 650 and do it yourself is just court costs.

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