Question by maggieeld: Poor Credit Loan Needed to IMMEDIATELY pay off back child support to avoid jail.? My husband is in arrears in child support, $ 8,500.00. I want to get a loan so that I can pay off this debt and he can catch-up. If you want an explaination of the situation, read below. Otherwise, here are my criteria: We do not own a home, we rent. I have a home-based business so income is harder to document for me than others. I own a car, it is only worth about $ 1,000.00. it's a 1996 Mercedes E320. I also have a 2000 Honda Passport however it doesnt run. Both are paid-off. I think the Passport is worth about $ 500 in cash. BOTH my husband and I have terrible credit & debt (see below as to why) and I need to get a loan (I can afford $ 250-300/mo. payments on a loan.) So, with these details, are there any lenders who will loan that amount? SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY, PLEASE!! OUR BORING STORY: Here's what happened: My husband was a kid when he divorced, he did not hve an atty. & he signed away his life because he knew no better & never knew until now that he could modify the child support amount, etc. When divorced, "reasonable visitation" was ordered (7 yrs. ago) but his ex will not allow him to talk with or see the children. She is actually in contempt but that's another story. The ex wife had my husband paying 30% MORE child support than guidelines require. He should have been paying $ 229 - $ 280 based on his income. he earns $ 1,800/mo. His ex earns $ 80K + a year. She tricked him into paying $ 540/mo. in support then didn't allow him to see the kids. That said, he paid that crazy amount of support until he became unemployed in 2008 and he was NEVER behind until now. When he became unemployed, he could only afford to send $ 200 - 300/mo. instead of the $ 540. He would call the county & the state and he was always told, "Don't worry, just send what you can on a consistant basis," which HE DID, SO HE THOUGHT HE WAS DOING THE RIGHT THING! All of a sudden he received a contempt letter. Of course he knew he was behind, but he thought that since he spoke with both the county & the sate of SC, that he was okay and that he would not be thrown in jail because he WAS still consistantly sending at least half of what was due. He filed for a modification 2 times over the last year once I realized what was going on after I looked at his divorce papers. he had moved in with me, because he could not afford to live anywhere that didn't have RATS and BUGS and sometimes could not buy fod because of this high support. I am NOT kidding!! I saw where he lived. So, since he was sending away 1/3 of his GROSS income, after taxes, and after his student loan payments, he was left with about $ 20 a month for food. Living in the rats... So after I saw this, I helped him file for the reduction after I saw his papers when he becme unemployed. NO HEARING DATE WAS EVER SET! WHY? BECAUSE HIS EX-WIFE'S BEST FRIEND IS THE CLERK OF COURT IN THE COUNTY IN WHICH THAT CASE IS A POINT OF INTEREST. NICE, HUH? So, he applied for Legal Aid but we live in FL and that case is in SC so no help, there. he has to handle it all himself because attorneys all want $ 5K upfront. IF WE HAD $ 5K, THEN HE WOULD NOT BE IN ARREARS AS HE PRESENTLY IS! (DUH...) So, that is why he is in arrears; he did not know that anything could be modified and he was paying what he thought he was supposed to be, as told by the State. On a consistant basis. Now, to keep him from being sent to jail, because if he goes to jail then he will not be able to run the business with me and therefore it will go under, we need a loan to be able to pay off the arrears. See, he's NOT the deadbeat dd, he is the type of dad who wanted to see his kids, crying on their birthdays and all holidays because he could not speak with them because of a vicious ex-wife...having his Christmas toys mailed back "return to sender..." and, the fact that he has been consistantly paying and WANTS to work to continue to pay--but we have to avoid jail, now. To avoid this, I have to come up with the entire arrears amount immediately. ((I can't believe they treat fathers this way: he paid every penny of that ordered $ 540 for 6 years until becomming uneployed, then he reported his unemployment & ws then told to "just keep on paying what you can, consistantly." he did... Now theyre trying to throw him in jail!?
Best answer: Answer by PooPooLaTrash
Here is the reality check. People with excellent credit ratings are having difficulty securing personal loans. People with bad credit simply cannot get them, not with an interest rate that is anywhere near reasonable. The scammers on Yahoo answers are going to come out of the woodwork to reply to you, but be assured, they are NOT legitimate. All they want to do is relieve you of your money (most request a "downpayment" of some sort, or want you to supply all sorts of personal information you should not be sharing). Child support is an inescapable debt. Even bankruptcy won't absolve your husband of his responsibility. Your best bet is to go back to court and see if you can get a child support modification to a lower amount, but that will be based on his income and not the expenses of his second family (you and any children you may have). It's a hard truth to face, but you have to be realistic about this. If you would find a legitimate place that would loan you that much money unsecured, the interest rate is going to be astronomical and you're going to wind up owing several times more in payback than the original loan, meaning you'd be paying back for decades. And your husband will still be obligated to keep up his support payments.
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