Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Q&A: NJ unpaid child support help - sorry it's long.?

Question by : NJ unpaid child support help - sorry it's long.? I live in NJ. My dad hasn't paid child support since it was awarded & currently owes over $ 50k. His name is also still on the deed to the house which my mom was awarded when the divorce was finalized. She cant get his name removed without him signing off (which he wont) OR paying a huge fee to an attorney to file papers. He currently lives with his family in SC & doesn't work, but continues to use our address for everything & rack up bills. We get all kinds of bills for cellphones, credit cards, catalog credit cards, etc. all putting liens on our house for his nonpayment. The court system is horrible & doesn't do anything, except issue warrants for his arrest (in NJ only) and schedule more court dates - which of course he never shows too. My mother, brother & myself all work very hard, and it is not right that he continues to skate through life for free. We cannot afford an attorney (I wouldn't be on yahoo if i could) does anyone know what else I can do?? I have the exact address he stays at. I had tried speaking with him reasonably but he wouldn't hear any of it. He said we should have to pay him since he's unemployed (by his choice). His family completely disowned my brother & myself after the divorce and won't even give us the time of day to hear us out. Thank you, very much, in advance for any legitimate help. Best answer:

Answer by Michael T
My friend, you cannot afford not to have an attorney. Most of them will work out a payment plan that you can afford if you give them a chance. If he is in violation of court orders he will not want to go to court. Make sure he pays every last dime he owes and that he remove his name form all pertinent documents and ceases to use your address for any purpose. If he uses your address it is likely that he is up to something of an illegal nature and does not want anyone to know what his real address is. You can always send the mail back to the sender with your dad's true address on it. That will fix him!

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