Saturday, May 5, 2012

Q&A: Florida divorce question?

Question by imagineus2night: Florida divorce question? My wife and are currently going through a divorce. This came after just an 11 months marriage and living together for nearly 6 years. We share a daughter together. Recently, under the assumption my wife and I were doing wonderful. We refinanced our house, remodeled our bathroom, bought new furniture and she got a new wedding set. After the money was gone and the bathroom was finished she said she was "unhappy". During all of this she advised that she would like me to move out so her friend could move in. Turns out this same girl friend has paid for my wife's attorney. I recently found out my wife has been cheating and this same girl friend knows about it. I know Florida is a no fault state, but I'm seeking custody of my daughter and wonder if these actions will help me in that and also show maybe a plan of conspiring between my wife and her friend to boot me so she can move in. Best answer:

Answer by Shannon
Just because she left you for a woman does not make her a bad parent, it makes her a bad wife. You mentioned nothing of her parenting and personality that would give me something to work with here. Don't go for full custody just to spite your soon to be ex-look at the whole picture. Can you and your wife mutaully work together (setting aside the BS between you two-acting only as PARENTS) to provide what is best for your daughter. Florida is NOT the state to walk into family court with only "She's gone lesbian on me-so I want my kid". You'll need actual proof that your daughter belongs with you and why. All you have so far is an injured ego and suspicions. YOU NEED TANGIBLE PROOF that what you are saying is FACT, no just a hunch. Focus on your daughter for now-she's going to need you alot, and soon. (How is your daughter going to react the first time she ses Mommy making out with her girlfriend?)

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