Question by MV: I live in NC, and my abusive husband refuses a divorce!? I have hired an attorney. I separated from the abusive husband a while ago and at my one year, one day separation point, I will be filing for divorce through my lawyer. The thing is, my ex will not sign anything regarding divorce - no separation agreements, property divisions, etc. He has considered agreeing to put the house we own together on the market, but refuses to take my name off the mortage. He claims his credit isn't good enough. (I think it is though). He is using religious crap to say I can't divorce him, but he was abusive and committed adultery in his heart, and maybe in reality too, not sure. Either way, my lawyer told me, "I promise, you will get a divorce." I'm willing to wait the one year that I have to wait. I just want to know if anyone else has advice on a clingy (and verbally and physically abusive) ex husband who claims he will have nothing to do with a divorce. I am ready to move on with my life and one day remarry and have a family and be happy. He cannot keep me from this, can he? The lawyer also said that the house doesn't have to sell before the divorce is final, it just helps if it does. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! This is making Christmas tough! I will also say that I have met a very special person who I'll probably end up marrying once this is over with. He is going through a divorce too, and we were friends for a long time and support systems for each other. Hence, I want out soon!!!
Best answer: Answer by inoffensive nickname
Be patient and cooperate with your attorney. It will all be over within a year. If you have family, go to them for moral support. Try counseling. If your husband is abusive, your self esteem has probably taken a nose dive.
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