Question by : Attorneys, people please help, complicated support question in divorce? This case is in Pittsburgh, PA. My husband was abusing me, i filed a PFA, he hired a good attorney and got out of it clean. Now stating that he was innocently accused, I left home and files for divorce. hired an attorney, she did not do what she promised. I filed for support, we tried to declare the case complex and prove that he has been hiding cash and writing off his income in taxes to 10,000 a year from 340,000! but he did it so well and he is in construction business that my attorney with all the evidence I provided her with including his invoices dated back 2 years ago showing cash income did not do a thing. Here is my problem and question, I was forced to live with my parents, otherwise I would have been on the streets, I was forces to start working full time which I can not continue to do because I am a full time student and am failing school because of it, so I am earning about 1,400 before taxes and health insurance fees are taken out. The court now thinks that I am capable of earning and assigned support of 900 dollars based on his low 10-15,000 past year income, and he was the one supporting the family. I did not even get to open my mouth and say, hey I can not continue to work, I am failing school, I am in debt, and he has 2 cars without giving me any, declaring that 2 of my parents cars that they drive to work and give me in emergencies are mine, while I have proof that they paid for them. The court did not even care to look at proof, the court just believes his and attorneys words. I am on the title as a second holder on those cars but I did not purchase them and they are not mine. So the question is, if I go back to court will they now not listen to me because I have an earning capacity? If I go back to court can I loose that 900 dollar assigned support if I go without an attorney and don't declare my case well because I am unable to take more credit and get another attorney at this moment, and how can I get a judge to listen to me and my proof for at least 3-5 minutes? And do you think that I got so little support because I am working now and he declared that he has a 0 income, which is an unprovable lie because he is self employed, working and can shift his income to previous or future months... Please help, I need support, I need good and proper representation, I live in Pittsburgh, PA, what are the laws, forms, rules, and help to women in such situations?
Best answer: Answer by Freedom Is Not Free
I would contact the ALCU in Pittsburgh, the state attorneys general office in that area for advice on laws and regulations and so forth pertaining to your rights as a citizen. I would also search out legal advice from any faith based legal organization who is well established, with good moral reputations and credentials who would accept your case. As you know, you desperately need solid, sound legal advice. I doubt it if you would find it on this forum. Best of luck to you!!!!!!
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