Friday, March 16, 2012

Is this considered cheating?

divorce attorney md
by Dave-F
Question by : Is this considered cheating? Very serious question! okay not really sure where to mom and dad have been married for 23(ish) years. my twin sister and I are the only 2 children they have. We always knew there would come a time that they would get a divorce. probably after we finished high school. so while my mom and sister were out today i listened to a convo through the wall that my dad was having with his mother. I heard words like divorce, legally seperated, money, Ellen (my moms name), the girls, college, attorney, Holly (WHO???!!!). Apparently my dad and this Holly(who i looked up on FB and saw is a hometown friend of my dads) have been emailing back and forth for a while, i have been wondering why my dad was spending so much time typing on the computer. Do you think those emails are to her? i also learned that she is single and from what I heard my dad say to my mom, they have disscussed his (possible divorce?). Sorry this is so much info but is this considered cheating that my dad seems interested in another woman while married to my mom? also, what should i do? should I tell my sister? Should I search his computer when hes not home? Also, he has had no face to face contact with her because she lives in iowa, we live in MD. And do you think they willl be getting the divorce earlier than us graduating HS? we have about a year and a half left. PLEASE HELP! THANKS! Sorry! Also, should i confront my dad about any of this? Best answer:

Answer by GOD
They are divorcing anyway, why do you care? Let him at least be happy.

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