Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Does Florida have jurisdiction?

Question by : Does Florida have jurisdiction? I went through a divorce 4 years ago in Florida while I was stationed there in the military. My ex is now threatening to take me to back to court; even though he can't give me a reason why. He is actually the one in violation and behind on child support. He moved without giving me notice, is late on child support, owes back child support, and refuses to give me a current address. Long story short...I moved home to Texas (he did agree) and he has since moved even further away into South Florida. The Tx Attorney General's office now handles the child support and we have lived here for over 3 years. Do the Florida courts have jurisdiction even though we have both moved out of the county our orders were decided in? And if they do what can I do to get it transferred to Texas courts? I am sure he is just full of hot air, but I want to have my bases covered. Just need some thoughts....every attorney I call here asks for a small fortune just for a consultation. Best answer:

Answer by Kyle
He is full of crap. He is trying to distract you from the child support he owes you. Until you receive a notice to appear, don't even sweat it. If you do receive one, it will explain the details of why he is taking you to court. At that time, you can decide if you want to proceed with or without a lawyer. You probably will not be able to get it transferred to TX, but you will most likely be able to attend over the phone. IMO you should notify the TX Attorney Gen. about the child support. If captain A-hole has a job, they should be able to attach his wages and ensure yu get the money.

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