Thursday, July 12, 2012

I posted earlier about Abused Friend?

Question by Meagan J: I posted earlier about Abused Friend? Well I was thinking and I realized that I do have a week and a half of paid vacation so I could technically drive up and get her next weekend if she agreed to this. However, if I do bring her from NC to TX, we will need to find a lawyer or something to get a divorce in the works, and keep her husband from finding her. She is a stay at home mom who does not have a job, and I am a college student, so we'd need to find a free or affordable attorney who would help her out and let her pay later when she gets onto her feet. I don't know if maybe the army provides a service like this to the wives. She said her husband had talked to the attorney on base and that is where she got the info that he wouldn't have to pay her very much if they were divorced, since they've barely been married a year. If anyone knows of some kind of organization that helps women get divorces, please let me know. I know attorneys help, silly, they also cost a lot of money. I believe I mentioned that.... They only have one baby together and I think she is afraid to go to the JAG on her base because she's afraid he'll find out.. Best answer:

Answer by iloveher1989
The best help you can get with the MOST resoures is the ywca contact them and they will pull for you i work for them so if you need any help shoot me and email

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