Monday, July 9, 2012

Question about proving abuse when getting a divorce. Abuser is threatening to fight for full custody...?

Question by Wendy B: Question about proving abuse when getting a divorce. Abuser is threatening to fight for full custody...? I'm writing in about a friend. They live in PA and have been married for 6 years. They have three kids under 5. He has been physically abusive in the past, but as of the past 4 years has been only mentally controlling and verbally abusive. He is now trying to get her to agree to 50/50 custody and no child support. Her first issue is the child custody. She is terrified. How does the attorney figure his mental stability? I've known him for some time now and he is a masterful manipulator who can charm the pants off anyone. He is accusing her of cheating and sleeping around. She is a massage therapist. He's told her he will expose her workplace as one that supports massages 'with more'. It's untrue...the work thing and her loyalty. He has told her that because she cheated, he'll be getting 100% custody if she doesn't agree to the 50/50 deal. She never cheated. I told her not to go to the courthouse to file for divorce tomorrow, but instead to go find an attorney and go to an abuse place. Any advice??? There has been no need to involve the police for 4 years. It's been verbal and weird controlling mental abuse. Withholding money, not letting her out of the house, extreme behaviors(all about church one day and the next he's critisizing christians). So, as creepy and unstable as he is, she'd just grab the kids and go to her Mom's or sisters to get away. It seems silly to call the police for him not moving his car or refusing to pay rent. Best answer:

Answer by Veni
I hope she has a good lawyer and doesn't let him charm or scare her into not going for full custody and child support. She might loose but most likely he will but if she never fights for it she will never know how it will turn out.

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