Sunday, July 22, 2012

Q&A: I want a divorce. My wife is 32 weeks pregnant. How does this complicate our divorce? How long will it take?

Question by : I want a divorce. My wife is 32 weeks pregnant. How does this complicate our divorce? How long will it take? I live in the great state of New York. I am 30 y.o. and have been married for 3 years. I have come to the realization that I really want a divorce from my wife. This is still in the early stages and I haven't told her about my wishes yet or spoken to an attorney.... I have set up a consultation for later this week though. How long would a divorce take. I don't want our home and my wife can have it. I don't want anything out of the normal in terms of visitation/custody of our son [he is currently 32 wks and healthy :)]. I am fully willing and able to pay whatever child support that is required. Honestly even if my wife wants full custody/no visits that is fine. I just want to get divorced as soon as possible. Both my wife and I work so I don't think I would owe any alimony or anything. I don't think I can be happy married and I need to be free. Would I be able to leave the state freely if I wanted to after the divorce? How soon can I be divorced? - Not children. Just the one baby. I feel like its better to leave now rather than have regrets. I get that its not perfect but it is what it is. - Honestly divorce is the best for everyone involved. I am not cut out to be married. I need freedom and flexibility. I would wait for the birth but I just really think its best to move on as fast as possible. Best answer:

Answer by Raena
You have GOT to be kidding!

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